Why is there a petition to remove kylie jenner from megan thee stallion and cardi b’s wap video?

В выходные Карди Би и рэперша Megan Thee Stallion взорвали Youtube скандальным совместным клипом на песню WAP


There was drama in the makeup world this week after Alicia Keys announced she’s teaming up with E.L.F. cosmetics to release a beauty collection. Keys famously doesn’t wear makeup, which ruffled the feathers of popular YouTubers Manny MUA and James Charles. «Does anyone else get slightly irritated when celebs come out with entire makeup lines? Especially when those celebs don’t even wear makeup,» wrote Manny, while Charles echoed a similar sentiment. Both Manny and Charles subsequently realized that Keys isn’t releasing a makeup line but a skincare line and issued apologies to the singer. «It’s childish to indirect tweet someone & I am not the gatekeeper of makeup,» Charles wrote, agreeing «literally who BETTER to talk about keeping your skin clear without makeup» than Keys.

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“Some people don’t know what to do when a woman is in control”

WAP – “wet ass pussy” – was almost immediately as controversial as it was catchy. Released on 7 August 2020, it took less than 24 hours for Republican politician James P Bradley to tweet that WAP was what happened when “children are raised without God”, and that the track made him “want to pour holy water in my ears”. Cynics should note that Bradley included the hashtag #WAP, for maximum attention, and that he was at pains to say that he heard the song “accidentally”.

Noise from conservative critics was one thing – and perhaps expected. Others found that Megan and Cardi’s association of sex with money a big problem. Comedian Russell Brand called it “a sort of capitalist objectification and commodification”; some might comment on how Brand was notorious for objectifying and commodifying an ex-partner live on radio to her own grandfather in 2008.

2 Мулатка подумала, что ее разыгрывают

Рэпер Мулатто признался, что сняться в клипе Cardi B и Megan Thee Stallion было сбывшейся мечтой.«Когда мне позвонили, я поклялся, что мой менеджер разыгрывал меня», — сказал рэпер. «Мой разум не мог принять тот факт, что Карди Би даже знала, кто я, не говоря уже о том, чтобы хотела, чтобы я был в ее видео. Я всегда буду люблю ее за это, потому что она знала, что участие в этом видео повлияет на нашу карьеру. Сейчас прекрасное время для женского рэпа. Мы создаем совершенно новую повестку дня. Мы поддерживаем друг друга и сотрудничаем. Индустрия, фан-базы и блоги хотят, чтобы мы поссорились, но мы делаем из этого дружеский вид спорта».

“It’s for adults!”

The expression of sexual power has a long history in hip-hop, and women have always been a part of this. Witness one of the first, Roxanne Shante. Her debut single, Roxanne’s Revenge (made in response to UTFO’s Roxanne Roxanne), narrates a tale that resonates with every woman: a suitor, rejected, blames the woman and then spreads lies about her. “All you do is get real mad, and you talk about me, and make me look bad?” Shante’s rhymes challenge the sexual power of men as she reclaims her own agency. Shante was a teenage rap battler, fighting for her own voice in a sea of machismo, and her attitude suffuses WAP, even though Cardi and Megan’s flow and language are completely different.

5 Нормани была рада присоединиться к актерскому составу

Музыкант Нормани — еще одно громкое имя, которое фигурирует в музыкальном клипе «WAP». Певица призналась, что когда ее попросили присоединиться к актерскому составу, она не смогла отказать. «Видео «WAP», в котором я был очень, очень рад принять участие, просто потому, что я чувствую, что мы живем во времена в музыке, когда женщины — и черные женщины — действительно на высоте, и это то, что я чувствую, что мы очень, очень давно не виделись», — сказала она.

«Там, откуда я родом, мы все были о расширении прав и возможностей женщин. Тот факт, что я могла быть частью такого особого момента, охватывая нашу сексуальность, в котором я определенно думаю, что есть двойной стандарт, для быть частью этого.»


On Friday, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion dropped their new track, «WAP,» along with an accompanying steamy music video. «WAP,» it turns out, is an extremely explicit acronym, and the lyrics on the track are just as R-rated. «The song was so nasty that YouTube was like, ‘Hold on, wait a minute, that song might be too goddamn nasty,'» Cardi B explained on Instagram, revealing the duo was forced to censor their music video. The song is getting raves — «I mean, just look at the single cover. It literally screams, ‘platinum-selling single that your fave could never do,'» wrote Glamour — but fans are less sure about Kylie Jenner’s surprise cameo in the video. Watch the (censored) video here, and listen to the uncensored track here.


Bachelor Nation has been in a tizzy about former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin seemingly tip-toeing around whether she and Garrett Yrigoyen broke up after he vocally supported the police following the killing of George Floyd. The plot has now thickened: E! News reported Thursday that according to an anonymous source, the couple have officially split because «their lifestyles don’t mesh anymore.» But Kufrin wasn’t standing for the gossip. «Lol, interesting ‘source,'» she slammed E! on Instagram. «I mean if nothing else, the least you could do is spell the names correctly and consistently in your article.» Still, that’s … also not a denial?

YouTubers apologize to Alicia Keys after shading her new beauty collection

There was drama in the makeup world this week after Alicia Keys announced she’s teaming up with E.L.F. cosmetics to release a beauty collection. Keys famously , which ruffled the feathers of popular YouTubers Manny MUA and James Charles. «Does anyone else get slightly irritated when celebs come out with entire makeup lines? Especially when those celebs don’t even wear makeup,» wrote Manny, while Charles . Both Manny and Charles subsequently realized that Keys isn’t releasing a makeup line but a skincare line and issued apologies to the singer. «It’s childish to indirect tweet someone & I am not the gatekeeper of makeup,» Charles wrote, agreeing «literally who BETTER to talk about keeping your skin clear without makeup» than Keys.

“I really wanted a very nasty song”

“Some people just don’t know what to do when a woman is in control and taking ownership of her own body,” Megan Thee Stallion said in 2020. “I feel like for a long time men felt like they owned sex and now women are saying, ‘Hey, this is for me. I want pleasure. This is how I want it or don’t want it.’ It freaks men the hell out.”

“I really wanted a very, very nasty song,” Cardi B explained, shortly after WAP was released. “I have done nasty records before, but this record is so nasty!” Cardi is a former stripper and reality TV star – both different forms of exhibitionism – and knows about monetising her skills. She has said that stripping “saved me from a lot of things. When I started stripping I went back to school.” WAP’s lyrics refer to this, as Megan raps, “Pay my tuition, just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy.” Maybe the question isn’t whether Cardi and Megan are immoral for equating sex with money, but if the immorality lay in a system which leaves a Black woman unable to pay for education without monetising sex?

Becca Kufrin slams E! after an anonymous source claims she and Garrett Yrigoyen broke up

Bachelor Nation has been in a tizzy about former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin seemingly tip-toeing around whether she and Garrett Yrigoyen broke up after he vocally supported the police following the killing of George Floyd. The plot has now thickened: E! News reported Thursday that according to an anonymous source, the couple have officially split because «their lifestyles don’t mesh anymore.» But Kufrin wasn’t standing for the gossip. «Lol, interesting ‘source,'» she slammed E! on Instagram. «I mean if nothing else, the least you could do is spell the names correctly and consistently in your article.» Still, that’s … also not a denial?

3 С Руби Роуз связался Offset

В то время как Кайли Дженнер, Нормани и Розалия уже были известными именами в индустрии, когда вышел «WAP», многие не знали некоторых других женщин, которые снимались в камео. Одним из них является рэпер Руби Роуз, который рассказал, что на самом деле это был муж Карди Би, Офсет, который изначально потянулся за сотрудничеством. «Offset DM предложил мне снять видео в Instagram, но не сказал, для чего оно», — сказала Руби Роуз.

«Я сказал: «Я сниму видео, если смогу получить от тебя репортаж», а он так и не ответил. Но потом мне позвонила пиарщица, и все пошло дальше. Когда я начал съемку, там был огромный зеленый экран, и парень с микрофоном просто раскручивал меня. Мы решили танцевать, трясти задницами и быть сумасшедшими. После этого видео я набрал около 200 000 подписчиков в Instagram. Мой потоки пошли вверх. Я планировал пойти в юридическую школу, но со всем этим дерьмом, происходящим прямо сейчас, надеюсь однажды в будущем. Может быть, я смогу использовать свою степень и заняться политикой или чем-то еще. сумасшедшее дерьмо.»


You might qualify for hazard pay if you work with Lady Gaga! The 34-year-old singer revealed in an Instagram post that she accidentally managed to scratch the eye of Ariana Grande, 27, while the pair were rehearsing their choreography for the music video for «Rain On Me.» In the clip, Gaga tells a friend, «Richard, I shanked her with my nail by accident, dancing,» while Grande joked, «Lady Gaga scratched my eye. It’s an honor. I hope it scars.» Gaga, though, wasn’t amused. «Which I’m not going to let you do, so stop,» Gaga shot back, fetching Neosporin. The pair briefly wrestled while Gaga attempted to apply the ointment. «You have a scratch on your face!» Gaga scolded. «You can’t get infected before the video!»

“Why would anyone be mad about my WAP? It belongs to me”

The ultimate message of WAP, for women everywhere, is the power of the female gaze. Look at that video again. You’ve seen hundreds of rap videos with female dancers, flesh on display, big cats, phallic symbols. How many have you seen without one single man? Even the statues are female.

“Of course I don’t want my child to listen to this song,” Cardi has said, “But it’s like, it’s for adults!” Art doesn’t have to be for everyone, or for all ages. It’s perfectly fine to dislike WAP’s lyrics and visuals, and want to shield children from its excesses. But WAP seemed to touch a nerve, stirring something that spoke of male angst and an anxious protection of some illusory sexual “normality”. Instead of its critics questioning just why they found it so uncomfortable, there was a knee-jerk impulse to cover Megan and Cardi up. As Megan has said, the criticism of WAP “just comes from a place of fear and insecurity”.

Lady Gaga accidentally clawed Ariana Grande’s eye while they were rehearsing choreography

You might qualify for hazard pay if you work with Lady Gaga! The 34-year-old singer revealed in an Instagram post that she accidentally managed to scratch the eye of Ariana Grande, 27, while the pair were rehearsing their choreography for the music video for «Rain On Me.» In the clip, Gaga tells a friend, «Richard, I shanked her with my nail by accident, dancing,» while Grande joked, «Lady Gaga scratched my eye. It’s an honor. I hope it scars.» Gaga, though, wasn’t amused. «Which I’m not going to let you do, so stop,» Gaga shot back, fetching Neosporin. The pair briefly wrestled while Gaga attempted to apply the ointment. «You have a scratch on your face!» Gaga scolded. «You can’t get infected before the video!»

Escape your echo chamber. Get the facts behind the news, plus analysis from multiple perspectives.


3. Becca Kufrin slams E! after an anonymous source claims she and Garrett Yrigoyen broke up

Bachelor Nation has been in a tizzy about former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin seemingly tip-toeing around whether she and Garrett Yrigoyen broke up after he vocally supported the police following the killing of George Floyd. The plot has now thickened: E! News reported Thursday that according to an anonymous source, the couple have officially split because «their lifestyles don’t mesh anymore.» But Kufrin wasn’t standing for the gossip. «Lol, interesting ‘source,'» she slammed E! on Instagram. «I mean if nothing else, the least you could do is spell the names correctly and consistently in your article.» Still, that’s … also not a denial?

4. Jason Derulo doesn’t think TikTok is really going to be shut down

TikTok star (and singer) Jason Derulo is not happy about President Trump’s . Derulo told Page Six that losing TikTok would be «a sad day for a lot of people, including myself. I just have a lot of fun on the app, so it would be pretty sad, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.» Derulo, who has 30 million followers and everything from pranks to shirtless dancing, added that he isn’t worried about TikTok potentially sharing data with the Chinese government: «I think a lot of people tap our phones, so you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t,» he said.

5. YouTubers apologize to Alicia Keys after shading her new beauty collection

There was drama in the makeup world this week after Alicia Keys announced she’s teaming up with E.L.F. cosmetics to release a beauty collection. Keys famously , which ruffled the feathers of popular YouTubers Manny MUA and James Charles. «Does anyone else get slightly irritated when celebs come out with entire makeup lines? Especially when those celebs don’t even wear makeup,» wrote Manny, while Charles . Both Manny and Charles subsequently realized that Keys isn’t releasing a makeup line but a skincare line and issued apologies to the singer. «It’s childish to indirect tweet someone & I am not the gatekeeper of makeup,» Charles wrote, agreeing «literally who BETTER to talk about keeping your skin clear without makeup» than Keys.

Cardi B claims new song ‘WAP’ was ‘so nasty’ that YouTube forced her and Megan Thee Stallion to censor it

On Friday, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion dropped their new track, «WAP,» along with an accompanying steamy music video. «WAP,» it turns out, is , and the lyrics on the track are just as R-rated. «The song was so nasty that YouTube was like, ‘Hold on, wait a minute, that song might be too goddamn nasty,'» Cardi B explained on Instagram, revealing the duo was forced to censor their music video. The song is getting raves — «I mean, just look at the single cover. It literally screams, ‘platinum-selling single that your fave could never do,'» wrote Glamour — but fans are less sure about Kylie Jenner’s surprise cameo in the video. Watch the (censored) video , and listen to the uncensored track .

Kylie Jenner makes racy cameo in Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘WAP’ video

Many fans were disappointed and dissatisfied with Cardi and Megan’s choice to have Kylie star in the iconic music video.

The 23-year-old beauty mogul’s name was trending on Twitter, shortly after the video dropped, with many questioning her placement in the video.

Cardi B slams haters trying to cancel her in hilarious video

In the music video, Cardi and Meg also shed a light on female artists such as Normani, Mullato, Rubi Rose, Sukihana and Rosalía.

However, people were particularly stricken by Kylie Jenner’s appearance for a plethora of reasons.

On Sunday (Aug 9) Cardi B took to Twitter to defend her choice of putting Kylie in the music video.

The 27-year-old rapper wrote ‘Why did I put Kylie on my music video? She treated my sister and daughter so lovely at her kid bday party,’ the star wrote in a since deleted tweet.

Cardi B explains why she chose to put Kylie Jenner in the ‘WAP’ video.


Cardi also added that Kylie’s ex Travis Scott, 29, and her husband Offset, 28, ‘are real close’ and Kylie’s mother, Kris Jenner, ‘ been giving advice on certain things ask for.’ 

The «Money» rapstress’ tweets were in response to a fan who pointed out that Kylie just ‘walked down the hall and opened a door’ in the video,’ while Normani, 24, performed a whole choreography.

The fan wrote ‘Normani did ALL this and Kylie walked down the hall and opened the door’.

‘If that’s not a perfect visual indication of Black women having to do the most and white women do the bare minimum to get somewhere, I don’t know what is,’ the fan added, insinuating that there was an underlying racial bias.

Cardi B defends her choice of Normani performing a dance routine.


Defending her choice to have Normani dance in the video, Cardi B labeled the singer as ‘the best female artist that dances.’

Cardi B highlighted that it would be strange for Normani to ‘open a door’, since she has such talent with her dancing skills.

‘Like she dances her f**kin a*s off! Why would she open a door? Please tell me how that would make sense?’ Cardi asked the fan.

‘The best part of the song is the beat & hook it what makes you want to shake your a**.’

Cardi B slams claims that her choice to have Kylie Jenner just ‘walk’ and Normani perform a dance routine is based on race.


Cardi also took to Twitter to shut down claims of any racial bias and wrote: ‘Not everything is about race.’ 

She continued ‘Theres issues out here in the world that it is about race that I preach all the time about. This is not about f**kin race.’

The «I Like It» rapper also quote tweeted a user who highlighted that Normani’s talent is dancing, while Kylie’s talent is modelling, which Cardi responded to and wrote: ‘Exactly!’.

Cardi B agrees with fan who gave props to both Kylie and Normani for displaying their talents in the music video.


What do you think? Let us know @CapitalXTRA

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