How katy perry’s strange childhood shaped her approach to motherhood

“дейзи! я так тебя люблю”: кэти перри впервые показала дочь от орландо блума

Близняшки Белла

Неужели обе? Представьте себе, да! Конечно, между близнецами существует особая связь, но такое совпадение большая редкость. Бри и Никки Белла, знаменитые американские рестлерши, забеременели с разницей в полторы недель (кто раньше, сестры не говорят). «Люди отказываются верить. Да мы сами в шоке. Многие думают, что мы это спланировали, но беременность нельзя так точно спланировать!» – поделилась Бри с журналом People. Бри замужем за коллегой Дэниелом Брайаном, у них есть дочь и они давно хотели второго ребенка. А вот для Никки и ее жениха Артема Чигвинцева новость стала полной неожиданностью.

Мишель Уильямс и Томас Кейл

Мишель Уильямс и Томас Кейл (режиссер биографической драмы «Фосси/Вердон») объявили о помолвке в конце прошлого года. Они не афишировали свои отношения, но их не раз видели вместе – улыбающихся и счастливых, а Мишель однажды «засекли» в бутике одежды для будущих мам, где она выбирала вещи. 5 января 2020 года актриса появилась на церемонии вручения «Золотого глобуса» в платье, которое не скрывало ее интересного положения, и произнесла проникновенную речь. «Я ничего не добилась бы, если бы у меня не было права выбирать. В том числе выбирать, когда и с кем иметь детей. Томас и Матильда, не могу дождаться, когда мы все снова  будем дома». Матильда – старшая дочь Уильямс от гражданского брака с покойным Хитом Леджером.

Роми Стрейд и Лоренс ван Лиувен

В конце мая этого года «ангел» Victoria’s Secret объявила, что ждет первенца

Для нее это очень важное событие, поскольку 2 года назад врачи поставили ей диагноз СПКЯ (синдром поликистозных яичников), что в большинстве случаев означает бесплодие. «Я была убита горем, ведь я столько мечтала, как стану мамой и у нас с Лоренсом будет полноценная семья», – признается модель

Однако позже выяснилось, что все дело было в непомерных нагрузках, и организм таким образом реагировал на стресс. Она пересмотрела режим дня, перестала изводить себя интенсивными тренировками и ограничивать себя в еде, стала снисходительнее к себе, чаще отдыхала и отказалась от постоянных поездок. Кроме того, начала принимать натуральные добавки, прошла курс иглоукалывания и здоровье восстановилось. «Меня переполняет радость и благодарность, что все наладилось и скоро нас будет трое», – говорит Роми.

Katy said she didn’t “have a childhood”

Katy was born to a pair of born-again Christians. Her parents Keith and Mary reportedly partied hard in the sixties but cleaned up their act and found God by the time Katy was born. As a result,  she grew up in an extreme evangelical household. She wasn’t allowed to say things like “deviled eggs” or “Dirt Devil” as a child. Her parents wouldn’t let her listen to anything other than gospel music, and the Bible was the only book she was permitted to read. 

Her parents would regularly go to rock concerts and hand out religious pamphlets to attendees. “I didn’t have a childhood,” she said about the period. 

Whether Katy’s subsequently pop-star person was a direct protest against her upbringing is anyone’s guess. But it’s clear that Katy’s true passions and sexuality were suppressed as she was growing up. 

Regarding her childhood, she said:

Therefore she didn’t feel like she had a “maternal gene”

Due to her frayed relationship with her parents, Katy Perry felt far removed from the concept of the traditional family. Her first marriage ended abruptly and her relationship with Orlando was so up-and-down early on that she had considered suicide after one of their break-ups. Though Katy admitted that her pregnancy was most certainly planned, she didn’t think she was equipped to be a mother. 

On becoming a mother, Katy said:

Katy Perry has said the reason why she’d put off having a baby until 35 was because she didn’t know “what to do.” Though she felt like she was maternal in some ways, she still had to figure out some pretty significant roadblocks in terms of mental health and career. 

She said:

Thus, after going through a long process of understanding and preparation, Katy finally felt like she was ready to take the next step with Orlando. The couple attended a seven-day therapeutic retreat to process through the pregnancy. She said the therapy “changed” her life and forced her to contemplate many of her habits and patterns of behaviour. It’s also given them both more “freedom” and that it’s helped her not become scared of having a child anymore. 

She’s reconciled with her parents but doesn’t plan on raising her child the same way 

In recent years, Katy Perry has spoken about how she’s made peace with her parents. Though the I Kissed A Girl singer still has disagreements with her parents, she’s found a middle ground with them. Contrary to popular belief, her parents never really disowned her. She said in an interview:

Katy Perry has also been able to discover her own relationship with her faith in recent years. It’s definitely not the version that was drilled into her as a child; her connection with the higher powers revolve around a more personal spirituality. She said her religion has helped her get to know herself better and also practice traits of humility and gratefulness. 

Despite her harsh upbringing, she was still able to find her way back to religion but in her own terms. Her tough childhood ultimately taught her lessons about herself but also didn’t force her to hold grudges against her parents or her religion. That being said, her parents’ treatment towards her as a child has solidified her approach as to how she wants to treat her child. She said about her journey: 

Don’t let your parents’ mistakes shape your life 

Katy Perry’s rocky relationship with parents demonstrates that it’s okay to love your parents but also acknowledge the hurt that was caused by them. Many of us have suffered in our childhood for a variety of reasons and we may feel like we’re being disloyal to our family by admitting that they’ve hurt us immensely. But it’s important to know that your love doesn’t necessarily have to be tarnished by the pain. And it’s possible — and rewarding — to continually try to evaluate your relationship with them. 

Another thing we can learn from Katy: parenthood is a clean slate. While some think it’s a choice, others think is a blessing; your thoughts about it belong to you and you only. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you can’t let your fears of the past affect your decision.

Fears and tensions regarding parenthood are largely normal but to think that that there is a “maternal gene” that could influence your ability is not fair to you. Human beings are constantly evolving, so if you want to be a parent, there’s nothing in the world stopping you. You just have to overcome those fears and do all you can to prepare. 

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Джанлука Вакки и Шэрон Фонсеки

Итальянский бизнесмен, который прославился благодаря пристрастию к ритмичным танцам со знойными красотками, и его возлюбленная — модель Шэрон Фонсеки — вскоре станут счастливыми родителями. 52-летний «танцующий миллионер» еще несколько лет назад и не помышлял о детях, не раз заявляя, что еще не готов. Но в Международный день матери Джанлука Вакки в своем Instagram опубликовал трогательное видео, в котором сообщил о беременности Шэрон.

Пара познакомилась в 2018 году. Несмотря на 27-летнюю разницу в возрасте, Шэрон утверждает, что у него душа и энергия как у 15-летнего подростка. Растить будущего сына счастливые родители будут в большом поместье в Болонье, которым владеет Вакки.

Katy Perry: A Global Pop Sensation

Early Life and Background

Katy Perry, born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson on October 25, 1984, in Santa Barbara, California, had a humble upbringing with a strong passion for music from a young age. Growing up in a religious household, she began singing in church and pursued her musical aspirations by taking voice lessons and learning to play the guitar.

Musical career and achievements

Katy Perry’s musical career took off with her debut studio album, “One of the Boys,” released in 2008, featuring hit singles like “I Kissed a Girl” and “Hot n Cold.”The album showcased her unique blend of catchy pop hooks, playful lyrics, and a touch of rock influence, setting her apart in the industry. Her second album, “Teenage Dream,” released in 2010, further solidified her position as a pop superstar with chart-topping singles such as “California Gurls” and “Firework.”

Impact on popular culture

Katy Perry’s vibrant and eclectic style and powerful vocals have made her a trailblazer in popular culture. Her visually stunning music videos, elaborate stage performances, and bold fashion choices have captivated audiences, solidifying her status as a pop icon. Katy Perry’s anthems of empowerment, self-acceptance, and love have resonated with millions of fans worldwide, creating a sense of unity and empowerment among her diverse fanbase.

Personal life and relationships

Katy Perry’s personal life has often been a subject of interest for her fans and the media. She engaged in high-profile relationships, including marrying comedian Russell Brand and subsequently dating musician John Mayer. In 2019, she became engaged to actor Orlando Bloom. As a mother to her daughter Daisy Dove Bloom, Katy Perry has embraced her role with love and dedication, sharing glimpses of her motherhood journey with her fans. Katy Perry has also been vocal about her experiences with mental health challenges, body image struggles, and finding her identity, using her platform to inspire and support others.

Who is Daisy Dove Bloom?

Daisy Dove Bloom is the adorable daughter of two renowned celebrities, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. Born on August 26, 2020, Daisy Dove has already captured the hearts of millions with her irresistible charm. With parents who are global icons in the entertainment industry, she has undoubtedly inherited an extraordinary legacy. Understanding Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s relationship is essential due to their impact on popular culture and the inspiration they provide to countless individuals worldwide. Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have achieved tremendous success in their respective fields, and their love story has become a source of fascination for fans and media alike.

Katy Perry, a pop sensation with a powerful voice and unique style, has risen to the pinnacle of the music industry. Born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson on October 25, 1984, she began her career singing in church and later became a teenage gospel artist. Katy Perry’s breakthrough came in 2008 with the release of her hit single “I Kissed a Girl,” which catapulted her into the mainstream. Katy Perry has amassed numerous accolades, including multiple Billboard Music Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, and a Guinness World Record. Her infectious energy, catchy melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics have made her a favorite among music lovers of all ages.

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