A model with a unibrow on writing her own beauty rules

Sophia Has Started A Movement


Sophia has been active as an advocate for natural beauty standards. She helped bring to life the Unibrow Movement.


The movement has become a community of people with similar opinions about having a unibrow. The movement has a popular Instagram hashtag.


The model aims to prove to people that there is no problem looking how they want. She also wants such people to love who they are without facing fears of rejection.

As far as Sophia is concerned, getting little or massive support online does not influence her decisions. She understands that one supportive person might be all it takes for someone else to believe in themselves.

Sophia Hadjipanteli sees beauty and unity having prominent eyebrows, striving to inspire people with body positive movement.

March 8, 2019 at 4:22 AMMarch 8, 2019 at 4:22 AM

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Sophia Hadjipanteli, who was born in Cyprus, is proud of her genetics. Her prominent eyebrows, which shape a unibrow, garner a great deal of attention on social media. Hadjipanteli, a model, has a handle on her unique look, preferring to embrace her Cyprian roots, despite criticism and snarky comments people make.

Marketing student’s unibrow reflects ‘pride for her culture’

Hadjipanteli, who is 22 and a marketing student at the University of Maryland, has attracted 286,000 Instagram followers. She lives in the United States, after being raised in Cyprus, Fox News reported.

Her unibrow is a nod to “pride for her culture.”

Fostering unity and acceptance are goals

Not only does the model and sunglass designer have her take on beauty fully intact, but she also has an abundance of self-confidence to match. Her aim is not to persuade other people to jump on the “unibrow bandwagon,” as she put it, but to foster unity and acceptance toward people and their preferences, Glamour Magazine pointed out.

The model shares body positive message

Hadjipanteli has received more than her fair share of hateful comments left on social media. Her life, however, moves forward as she endeavors to share a body positive message, Inked Magazine relayed. She has also modeled for “top tier photographers” and beauty brands as a result of her appearance.

Eyebrows evoke strong reactions on social media

She characterizes herself “like everyone else manifesting my own lane and riding my own wave,” Dazed Magazine reported. In addition to evoking strong reactions from haters and supporters alike, Dazed includes Hadjipanteli in the niche of people “redefining the way we think about beauty.” Her unique appearance was not planned, however.

Accidental brow tinting led to pronounced brows

The natural blonde accidentally dyed her eyebrows black as she tried to tint them after watching a how-to video on YouTube, Inked and Harper’s Bazaar reported.

After her brother told Hadjipanteli that “the look” suited her, she began dying her brows when blonde hair “shows,” according to the Daily Mail (UK). “’I never expected my eyebrows — and just growing out and not touching them — to have this much of an impact on people,” she stated.

She credits her genetics and her mother for her eyebrows, stating that she comes from a family with “nice eyebrows,” Harper’s also noted. The effect is that Hadjipanteli’s thick brows do not lead her to feel self-conscious.

No immediate plans to manicure brows

Though she takes a lot of heat from trolls on social media for her polarizing appearance, she stated, “If I like this, just let me like this,” Harper’s reported.

She has no target date for tweezing her brows to appease other people or to conform with social norms. “Until people start to accept others for this specific feature on their face,” she told the Daily Mail, “I don’t feel ready to move on from it.”

Be sure to follow Blasting News for the latest information. Also, check out the report on the Royal Family cracking down on racist trolls due to concern for Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s unborn baby.

Additionally, Tamron Hall, former host of NBC’s “Today” show shared big news on social media about her first pregnancy, surprising fans, followers, and media.

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Детство и юность

Кристина Сафронова – уроженка столицы России. В Москве девочка выросла и воспитывалась. В семье Кристины всегда царила гармония и любовь. Ее мать несколько лет мечтала о дочери и радовалась появлению её на свет. Именно она назвала будущую модель Кристиной. Училась Сафронова в московской гимназии с эстетическим уклоном и успешно её окончив, получила аттестат о среднем образовании. После школы девушка поступает в колледж при МГУ на юридический факультет. Впрочем, она принимает решение не связывать свою жизнь с полученной специальностью. Помимо учебы, Кристина подрабатывает, как модель, поскольку параметры фигуры и привлекательная внешность позволяют это сделать. Это одна из причин, почему у Кристины Сафроновой так много подписчиков в инстаграме.

Вообще неизвестно, кем работает Кристина Сафронова в джимми пой. Даже для ее поклонников данный вопрос – загадка. Известно то, что девушка постоянно находится на танцевальном поле. Еще имеются фото, где модель поёт.

Do you do anything to them?

I don’t get them professionally done. No wax or anything. I do love the way they look when they’re full, but every so often I’ll pluck a hair that looks out of place — I’m not boycotting tweezers. Every day I brush through them. If I don’t, they look so bad. I use a toothbrush to do that. If I want to look extra, I’ll fill them in, which is like a big black bar across my face. At night, if I feel like my brows aren’t looking fluffy, I’ll put castor oil through them. It definitely does work. I tint them now, maybe once a month, whenever I see a white hair popping out. And I use brow gel. I like the Glossier Boy Brow but pro tip: I used to use brown mascara. That worked too.

She Has A Message For Her Fans And Haters


The model targets people who have challenges believing in their beauty. She would like them to be ready for the fact that they might not love themselves right away.


She knows that self-acceptance is a process that takes time but is also completely worth the effort.


«It is a process. Not everyone feels 100% every single day, and that is totally okay. It starts inside, though! You could be the most ‘perfect’ person in the world, but if you don’t see it with your own eyes, you’ll never feel that love for yourself.»


For this reason, she recommends building a good relationship with yourself. She promises that once this happens, everything else will «feel so much better» because you will finally be free.


So, what are your feelings toward your body hair? Can you relate to Sophia’s razor-free experience?

If you have, what has the journey been like for you?

Личная жизнь и хобби

Популярная модель старается не афишировать свою личную жизнь, а также не говорит о семье. Она желает умалчивать романтические отношения, не показывая их публично. Известно, что у Кристины Сафроновой имеется парень, впрочем, она держит в тайне его личность. Девушка ничего не рассказывает о своих бывших романах.

Кристина в свободное время обучалась казацким танцам, собирала денежные средства для фонда помощи беспризорным животным, а также встретилась со своими хейтерами. Еще модель блистательно прошла все испытания, став обладательницей титула «Мисс Москва».

Настоящая страсть Сафроновой – путешествия. Поездки по различным городам и странам помогают девушке заряжаться позитивной энергетикой и продолжать работать. Не так давно она побывала в Италии, а также Англии. Достаточно часто мы можем видеть новые фото с отдыха. Отдыхать Кристина любит в шумных компаниях приятелей.

У Сафроновой имеется любимая собака, и она не редко показывает её фото в свои социальные сети. Много постов она посвящает историям о своем питомце. Модель сочиняет длинные посты про собаку, и подписчики, в действительности, этим интересуются. Она умеет заинтриговать своих поклонников, и за это они её обожают. Страница девушки всегда пользовалась популярностью: подписчики наблюдали за поездками модели и интересным питомцем. Но реальная известность свалилась на Сафронову только после её появления на телевидении.

No immediate plans to manicure brows

Though she takes a lot of heat from trolls on social media for her polarizing appearance, she stated, “If I like this, just let me like this,” Harper’s reported.

She has no target date for tweezing her brows to appease other people or to conform with social norms. “Until people start to accept others for this specific feature on their face,” she told the Daily Mail, “I don’t feel ready to move on from it.”

Be sure to follow Blasting News for the latest information. Also, check out the report on the Royal Family cracking down on racist trolls due to concern for Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s unborn baby.

Additionally, Tamron Hall, former host of NBC’s “Today” show shared big news on social media about her first pregnancy, surprising fans, followers, and media.

Is it weird to be recognized for your eyebrows?

I thought it was awesome at first. As I’ve gotten more followers, I realized I’m no longer posting about stuff I care about anymore. I felt like I was losing followers when I didn’t post eyebrow selfies, and it frustrated me. But then yesterday I was talking to a friend who said, ‘There are people who follow you for who you are, not the way you look.’

Even if I change this look tomorrow, I still am who I am. I still stand for what I stand for. I would still look the way I looked even if everyone unfollowed me. I’ve made a conscious effort lately, within the past month or so, to stay away from my face. But you caught me at a funny time. I was crying last week because I realized this is not who I am.

She’s Had To Deal With Judgmental People


When she was a teenager, Sophia did not get a lot of acceptance in high school. Her unique looks attracted a lot of negativity from internet users as well.

However, she was not about to change who she was to satisfy her critics. If anything, this reinforced her faith in her uniqueness.


Today, she is proud that she has been on the cover of Glamour UK despite having a considerable unibrow.

It seems that the model loves her looks without reservations. She has gone as far as encouraging other people to be more appreciative of their uniqueness and natural beauty.


She does not see anything particularly wrong with shaving her unibrow. The most important thing to her is that she is okay with her looks and is not doing what people want.

Therefore, if she gets to a point where she would like to «tone it down,» she would do so as long as it’s her call.

Кристина Сафронова до и после пластики

Фотоснимки красивых девушек в инстаграме хранят тайны: одни красавицы используют Facetune, другие часами выбирают красивые ракурсы, а третьи идут на всевозможные пластические вмешательства. Известный блогер Кристина Сафронова откровенный образом, делится о том, на что она пошла для завоевания любви полумиллиона фолловеров.

Сафронова рассказывает: «Я в действительности оперировала грудь пять раз, но три из них для подтяжки, а также уменьшения». Полная и красивая от природы грудь стала обвисать, потеряв объем после приличного похудения. Тогда девушка в первый раз сделала маммопластику, во время которой пластический хирург поставил эндопротезы объемом 180 мл. Как утверждает Сафронова, они не только не смогли заполнить пустоты, но и способствовали дальнейшему растяжению. После еще одного существенного похудения девушка выполнила повторное увеличение имплантами 490 мл, поскольку предыдущие эндопротезы фактически болтались внутри. В скором времени после оперативного вмешательства у нее заболела спина и возникла видимая асимметрия. Кристина не хотела мириться с подобным положением и приняла решение сделать редукционную маммопластику, долго разыскивая врача, который бы взялся за такое трудное оперативное вмешательство.

Желаемого эффекта в виде небольшого, но упругого бюста красивой формы девушка добивалась в 3 этапа. В настоящее время звезда социальных сетей в полной мере довольна формой и размером своего бюста. Внешность Кристины Сафроновой до пластики существенно отличается. Также девушке нравятся различные тату. Тело Кристины Сафроновой украшают красивые татуировки.

Сафронова на регулярной основе выполняет объемную контурную пластику филлерами, при помощи которой увеличивает губы, а также корректирует челюстные углы и подбородок. Еще модель призналась, что два раза выполняла липофилинг. Кристина отрицает удаление комков Биша, ринопластику и иные хирургические операции. Давая ответы на вопрос о впалых щеках, она утверждает, что подобный эффект появился вследствие проблем с зубами, которые она в скором времени думает решать. Таким образом, популярность и востребованность Кристины Сафроновой до и после пластики – результат кропотливой внутренней, а также внешней работы над собой.

An accidental tinting

Contrary to popular belief, Sophia Hadjipanteli’s unibrow is natural in shape, but not in color. She is a natural blond, and so is her unibrow. She was tired of having to pluck her brows to maintain their shape, not to mention coloring them in so, she took to YouTube to find a solution. There, she found a tutorial of someone tinting their eyebrows. Sophia tried, but it didn’t work out as expected. “I saw a video on Youtube where someone tinted their eyebrows,” explained Sophia. “I tried it, and I must have messed up and made them black. My brother was like, ‘It kind of suits you.’”From then onward, she started tinting her eyebrows. Although, she is not entirely concerned if her blond hair comes through. All she wishes is for everyone to realize that we all have our individual preferences, and we should not judge one another for them. “it’s important to show that preferences and differences are not polarizing, but rather unifying and ultimately meant to inspire. To be honest, I’m just out here like everyone else manifesting my lane and riding my wave.”

Not a hypocrite

Some of her fans have pointed out that she wears makeup, but embraces the natural beauty of her unibrow. they say she is being hypocritical, but Sophie disagrees. She posted a picture on her Instagram page with the caption: “I wear makeup because it is fun,” wrote Sophia. “I have a unibrow because it is a preference. I wear makeup and have a unibrow because it is what I like. Don’t put me in a bubble. Just because I embrace one natural part of me doesn’t mean I’m a hypocrite for wanting to enhance other parts of who I am.”Keep Reading: 15+ women who prove that body hair can be feminine too


  1. “This Instagram Model Has The Most Amazing Eyebrows.” Harpers Bazaar. Jenna Rosenstein. September 6, 2017.
  2. “Sophia Hadjipanteli is the unibrowed model leading a beauty revolution.” Dazed Digital. TextDazed Beauty. October 16, 2018.
  3. “Women’s History Month: Interview with Sophia Hadjipanteli.” The Great Frog London.

How do you deal with Internet trolls?

This is probably gonna go against what everyone says, but I can’t ignore them. If I’m in this position because I inspire people, which I see from the comments — young girls in middle school who say, “I read everything you write,” I’m not going to let some troll say that I look dumb, because what if someone else sees that and it affects them? Sure, you shouldn’t give attention to negative thoughts, but I don’t want to ignore it. It’s the only way to take control of my life. I want to normalize this thing. I’m here to change people’s perspective. I’m supporting people who are doing this with me.

Photos via Sophia Hadjipanteli.

What made you stop plucking them?

I stopped while away on a trip, but it didn’t bother me. Then I thought to myself, Why would I keep plucking them if it didn’t even bother me? So I left them alone. I just liked the way it looked. I’ve never been the person to not wear something because it wasn’t cool. I used to wear eccentric outfits to school and would get bullied for the way I dressed, but that was my style. I wouldn’t leave the house if I didn’t like an outfit, but I’d never change because someone thought I should. I’ve been asked questions in the comments like, “If someone paid you a million dollars, would you pluck your eyebrows?” No. I would pluck them if I wanted to, not because someone else wanted me to.

Last year at the beginning of school was when I first had a unibrow . Now it’s reached its ample prime.

Accidental brow tinting led to pronounced brows

The natural blonde accidentally dyed her eyebrows black as she tried to tint them after watching a how-to video on YouTube, Inked and Harper’s Bazaar reported.

After her brother told Hadjipanteli that “the look” suited her, she began dying her brows when blonde hair “shows,” according to the Daily Mail (UK). “’I never expected my eyebrows — and just growing out and not touching them — to have this much of an impact on people,” she stated.

She credits her genetics and her mother for her eyebrows, stating that she comes from a family with “nice eyebrows,” Harper’s also noted. The effect is that Hadjipanteli’s thick brows do not lead her to feel self-conscious.

Who are you?

If I were to describe myself, it would be as someone who has been isolated for the way she expresses herself. I don’t have a single friend from high school. I didn’t go to prom, but I still managed to stay true to who I was. I love looking back on photos of myself to see the things I’ve done, awards I’ve won, and feeling like I’d still do those things today. Although my eyebrows are a part of me, I don’t use them as a form of expression; that’s what I use my outfits for. I really like to change the way I look through clothing. If I were to continue on this path with my unibrow without ever being able to change it, then that would go against who I am.

I’m at a point now where I’m trying to explain where I’m at to those who follow me. I’m trying to find a way of explaining to followers who care what’s going on. Sometimes when you see those long captions, they’re from year-old Instagram posts no one cared about. It’s fun to take that old pic that got 15 likes, repost it and see the reaction. I really went through a transformative year. I got out of a relationship — and it was the only relationship I had then, really. When we broke up I felt truly alone. When you’re alone with yourself and your thoughts, you have to work through them and rationalize with yourself instead of ignoring your feelings. I’m learning to embrace feelings. I know how to identify them now, whereas before, I was just trying to distract myself.

Sophia Hadjipanteli is urging her followers to ditch the tweezers and allow their eyebrows to flourish with her social campaign #UnibrowMovement

16October 2018TextDazed Beauty

The Dazed Beauty Community is our ever-expanding encyclopaedia of creatives and emerging talent from across the world who are redefining the way we think about beauty. From supermodels to digital artists to makeup prodigies transforming themselves in their bedrooms, these are the beauty influencers of tomorrow who embody everything Dazed Beauty is about. Discover them here.

22-year-old Greek Cypriot American, Sophia Hadjipanteli has always had an eccentric style. From a young age she would walk into her high school classes wearing latex pants, neon colours and stilettos. Despite being bullied by her conservative classmates, Sophia was not deterred and continued to pursue her own authentic style.

Fast forward to today and Sophia is a model, sunglass designer (she has just dropped her first collection with Peter & May) and beauty activist. Harnessing her huge following on social media, Sophia is attempting to break down traditional beauty conventions by putting the tweezers down and letting her brows grow freely and fiercely. The result of which is a bold, jet black unibrow that sits strikingly above her blue eyes. “I choose to wear my eyebrows this way for the same reasons I styled myself in school — because the only preference that matters is my own,” she explains. “If my childhood taught me anything, it is that I love being different.”

Founder of the social media-based #UnibrowMovement, Sophia believes “it’s important to show that preferences and differences are not polarising, but rather unifying and ultimately meant to inspire. To be honest, I’m just out here like everyone else manifesting my own lane and riding my own wave.”

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You’ve opted to be cryogenically frozen in hopes of continuing the human race. When you’re awoken, it’ll be your responsibility to kick-start the breeding. How will you wear your hair on your first date?I would tie it up because that is my least favourite way to wear my hair. Sounds strange but it is all part of the series of mind games he shall endure. I don’t want my date to know what I like yet, not until the second date at least.

It’s the year 2100. You’re the owner of the largest beauty tech company in the world, what five products or treatments will you dedicate your resources trying to invent?A lipstick that changes colour with your mood. My boyfriend will never again have to guess if I am actually “fine” when he thinks he has done something wrong. Hair growth stuff that actually works. That would have been a lifesaver for young impulsive me that would often cut my hair from bum length to a bob and instantly regretted it. Skincare products that use more Aloe Vera plant. When I was younger and had spots, I would break off a chunk of my yiayia’s (grandmother’s) Aloe plant in her garden in Cyprus and spread it on my skin. It is honestly one of the best things I use on my skin.  An eyeshadow palette that gives you the ingredients and steps to create your own eyeshadow colours. Why should people be restricted to the colours and formulas that people think will sell when they can just do it themselves? I would buy that (if it doesn’t already exist). A compact mirror that can also take pictures of you. Is it just me or do mirrors do a way better/more flattering job of showing how you look, than a camera?

You’ve had an accident which causes you to lose your sense of smell. The doctors can’t return it fully but can give you the ability to smell one scent. What do you pick and why?My mom’s signature scent is the original Opium perfume by YSL. Growing up I remember my brother and I would always complain to my mama about how unbearably strong the scent was. I think even though it is not my favourite smell, it is definitely incredibly special and sentimental to me. If I had one scent left to smell, I don’t think I would crave anything more than the smell of my mom’s strong YSL Opium perfume that she wore every single day as I grew up. It is cool when scents remind you of people or instantly take you back to an exact moment in your life.

A friend once exclaimed that when he dies, he wants ‘Weeping virgins carved from marble to be placed in a circle around his grave’. What would your ideal tombstone look like?I think it is quite morbid to think of how our tombstones should look, but if we are going to take it there, I would have it plain black marble with my name carved on it alongside those of my enemies.


Кристина Сафронова получила огромную популярность вследствие социальной сети официальный инстаграм. Она опубликовывает там снимки, подкрепляя их рассказами о своей каждодневной жизни. На них видно, где отдыхает девушка, что она любит на завтрак или обед, а также её домашние любимцы. Фанаты Кристины дарят ей пламенные комплименты, а некоторые из них мечтают дружить с известной персоной.

Благодаря восхитительной фигуре и красивой внешности, модель часто рекламирует вещи, а также косметику популярных торговых марок, с ней ведут сотрудничество много рекламных агентств.

Помимо этого, она придумала авторскую бесплатную программу по обработке фото. Кристина уверена, что в настоящее время это достаточно актуально, и с радостью делится собственными знаниями с подписчиками. К тому же у Кристины имеется 2-й аккаунт в инстаграме, где она выставляет различные варианты обработки фото. Она – создатель обучающих курсов «Как правильно обрабатывать фото».

В 2019 г. Кристина Сафронова смогла пройти очень жесткий кастинг на 2 сезон телевизионного шоу инстаграмщицы. Участникам данного проекта необходимо окунуться в новую для себя жизнь, осваивая некоторые профессии, живя жизнью обыкновенного человека, отказываясь от тусовок, а также светской жизни. Здесь все выполняют задания организаторов, соревнуясь друг с другом.

Кристина Сафронова является девушкой очень амбициозной, следовательно, с самого начала сказала: «На проект инстаграмщицы я пришла только за победой». Она не унывала, продолжая идти к заветной победе даже в самых сложных ситуациях. Настойчивость и интуиция её не подвели, и модель получила долгожданную победу. После проекта у девушки добавились не только фанаты, но и недоброжелатели. Её упрекали в неприродной внешности и большом количестве пластических вмешательств.

Sophia Hadjipanteli and her Unibrow Movement

The 23-year-old model known as Sophia Hadjipanteli was born in Cyprus. There she grew up until she went to the United States to get a degree in marketing. After that, she relocated to London, where she and her signature unibrow have been making waves in the modeling and social scenes. From a young age, she loved to express herself through a unique fashion style. Being a bit more on the conservative side, her classmates would tease her for her choice of clothes.Read: Woman decides to fully embrace her facial hair and grow a beard

One day, Sophia decided she did not want to pluck her unibrow anymore. She tossed out her tweezers and said goodbye to waxing. Since then, she has become the founder of the social media-based UnibrowMovement. Out of her 50,000 followers on her Instagram page, there are many contrasting opinions about her eyebrows. “I choose to wear my eyebrows this way for the same reasons I styled myself in school – because the only preference that matters is my own,” said Sophie. “If my childhood taught me anything, it is that I love being different.”She also explained that the unibrow movement is not an attempt to start a trend, but it’s just her being herself. “I am not really doing this to show people that they have to like , I am more so doing it to show people that they can get on with their lives by having a preference,” said Sophie. I personally think my face looks better this way. Others disagree, and that’s cool,” says Hadjipanteli. “I am not trying to get anyone on the unibrow bandwagon. If I like this, just let me like this.”Read: Hair Colorist Help Clients Gradually Ditch the Dye and Embrace Their Grey

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