«она никакая не жертва»: зачем меган маркл нужен скандал с королевской семьей

Новые фотографии принца гарри и меган маркл

Please Pray

Dear Skippy and Family,

I have had the strangest day. I had an appt. for a mammogram/sonogram. (I have dense breasts so always have to get both, despite my perky 34B’s.) I discovered a lump in my breast about 2 months ago. Unfortunately, in NY, it takes forever to get an appt., even with me calling every week to try to get an earlier appt. (My relatives in CT have told me that they can get an appt. in a few weeks.)

In any case, I was sitting in the waiting room, and was checking Skippy’s posts. And I came upon one that was for ‘all of the people who have medical appointments today.’ I was astonished! Skippy, are you reading my mind?!

Unfortunately, I was there forever (almost 3 hours), due to understaffing. (I incorrectly assumed that I was able to get an appt. today because nobody else would be there on the day before Thanksgiving; the next appts. were at the end of February.)

The technicians and the radiologist seemed very concerned. I was told that I need a biopsy, and was given a choice of doing it today or Monday. After having been there for 3 hours, I just wanted to escape, so I opted for Monday. In the past, I had a fibroid in my breast when I was in college, so I’m hoping that this is the same thing. But unfortunately, my oldest sister had breast cancer a few years ago (she is fine now.) I honestly have no idea how genes work. Maybe someone can help me understand? For example, I am 5’8” and live a very healthy lifestyle, whereas my sister (who had breast cancer) is 5’ and eats lots of junk food. And my brother, who eats junk food, drinks a lot, and smokes cigars is overweight and diabetic. My other sister, who is on a gluten-free diet, is very healthy, except that she is prone to sprained ankles and such. Idk why. As far as I can tell, the only thing that we all have in common is sinus infections. Oh, and blue eyes.

I am not freaking out at this point. I believe that everything is in God’s hands, and there is nothing that I can do to change that. The one thing that I am struggling with, is that, perhaps, I didn’t take as good care of myself in the last few years as I’ve always done in the past. I think I’ve mentioned here that two people who I loved very much were both quite ill for about 3 years, and they both died in 2018. So I can honestly say that I was so involved with their health issues (and my desire to spend as much time with them as possible) that I wasn’t on top of my own health for a few years. (Except for my teeth; they’re excellent . Luckily, I have a dentist who texts me every 6 months to remind me to make an appt.; and, despite the fact that I’m terrified of going to the dentist, I still go.) I honestly believe that every health care practitioner should do this, but that’s another story for another day.

In any case, I’d love to hear anyone’s input, and prayers are definitely welcome (and needed.)

Oh, I almost forgot an important detail. By the end of my time there, I was starving, as I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. A stranger, who was also waiting for an appointment, offered me a KIND bar. I gratefully accepted it and thanked her profusely. That’s my new definition of the word ‘Thanksgiving’.

Love and thanks to all. x


You know when I did that post for prayers having medical appointments, I was thinking of a couple of prayer requests I had done, and at that exact moment I thought…wait what about anyone going for medical tests today….there is no such thing as coincidences.  God obviously wanted you to see that!  To give your comfort.

Genetics are tricky.  One sibling can have a gene and the other might not….who knows.  

My advice is don’t forecast…live in the moment.  Spend time between now and Monday watching comedies….laughter never hurts.  And just relax…because God has it all figured out for you….and yes, prayers are on the way,️️️️️️️️

Prayers for Anon who is having a biopsy done on Monday.  We pray anon stays calm.  We pray the test goes well and she receives good results.  We pray that she remains healthy.  We pray that Anon will not be scared.  We pray Anon holds tight her faith.  God Bless Anon.

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