Мак миллер: что мы узнали только после его смерти

Мак миллер: что мы узнали только после его смерти | кино новости

What Happened on September 7, 2018?

Rapper Mac Miller Found Dead In Suspected Overdose

On September 7, 2018, Miller’s personal assistant arrived to get his day started. She usually woke him at 11:30 a.m., and he was due to shoot a music video that day. In just a few days, Miller was to hit the road on his next tour. 

The assistant found him unresponsive in his room. There was alcohol nearby as well as drug paraphernalia. The singer had a $20 bill in his pocket, containing white powder. Not finding a pulse, the assistant immediately contacted emergency services. Directed by the operator, she moved Miller’s body from the bed to the floor and began performing CPR. 

Paramedics arrived swiftly but could not resuscitate him. He was officially pronounced dead at 11:51 a.m. at his home in Los Angeles, only 16 minutes after the emergency call. He was 26 years old.

Жуткое место захоронения

В июне 2010 года Мак Миллер выпустил видеоклип на песню «Nikes on My Feet«, в который вошли кадры некоторых достопримечательностей его родного города Питтсбург, штат Пенсильвания., включая кладбище называют кладбищем Хоумвуд.

Во время интервью 2013 года журналу Complex, Миллер объяснил значение кладбища. «Мы тусовались на кладбище ночью, когда никого не было. В четвертом классе я помню, как пошел туда с s*** курить, а затем пытался курить, чтобы увидеть, что с нами произойдет», — сказал он.

Как ни странно, после его смерти тело было доставлено обратно в родной город, и, когда пришло время для его семьи выбрать место последнего упокоения, они выбрали участок на том же кладбище, который был такой большой частью его юности, как сообщал взрыв.

Какой нервирующий способ для искусства подражать жизни.

Он помог брату Арианы протрезветь.

Мак Миллер никогда не уклонялся от откровенности в отношении употребления наркотиков, в том числе в документальном фильме 2016 года «перестал оправдываться», в котором он показал, что после того, как марихуана сделала его слишком параноидальным, он отправился на охоту за другим пороком. «Мне нужно было получить лекарство, которое было бы немного более онемевшим, если хотите», — сказал он. «Я думаю, что это действительно то, что заставило меня делать другие наркотики … потому что я ненавижу быть трезвым. Я хотел сделать лекарство.»

Несмотря на то, что он был глубоко зависим, Миллер сделал свою миссию, чтобы помочь другим, кто также боролся с зависимостью, включая Фрэнки Гранде, брата своей бывшей подруги Арианы Гранде.

Дней после смерти Миллера, Фрэнки взял к себе в Instagram до ручки искренняя дань «Данг!» художник. В подписи Фрэнки описал Миллера как «хорошего друга», прежде чем показать, что именно Миллер призвал его пойти в реабилитационный центр для детоксикации от наркотиков и алкоголя. «Это был , где я нашел сообщество поддержки, которое показало мне, что жизнь без наркотиков-это возможность, и я бы никогда не обнаружил, что если бы не Малькольм», — писал он, в частности.

Фрэнки также заявил, что после достижения таких вех, как 90 дней трезвости, Миллер преподнесет ему «подарок, открытку и слова поддержки… сказав мне, что он знает, как трудно стать трезвым и как он впечатлен, что я преуспеваю.»

The Days Before His Death

Friends and family were stunned by Miller’s sudden death. Of course, it was no secret that he had struggled with addiction, fueled in part by mental health issues, for many years. But he had been improving over years of trying to get sober. At one point, Miller had once said, he had been using drugs every day. 

His last few years, however, involved long stretches of sobriety. Though Miller fell off the wagon more than once, he had been working hard to stay sober. In mid-2018, he was happy and healthy. However, his personal assistant noted that he was prone to drug binges—in fact, he had had one on September 4, just three days before his death. 

Miller was in a relationship with pop singer Ariana Grande from 2016 to May 2018. It was rumored that they split up, at least in part because of his drug use. In the wake of the breakup, Miller continued his trend of stretches of sobriety followed by drug binges; he was also charged with driving under the influence during this time. 

Ariana Grande & Mac Miller BEST Moments

Nevertheless, his life throughout the middle of 2018 was more positive than negative. Friends described him as excited for his upcoming tour and his ongoing work. The night before his death, Miller spoke to his mother on the phone; she said that he sounded happy and expressed looking forward to his tour.


  1. Cosmopolitan — Ariana Grande Doesn’t Need a Partner to Feel Complete
  2. ↑ http://time.com/5445098/rapper-mac-miller-died-from-accidental-overdose-autopsy-report-finds/
  3. Billboard — Ariana Grande Talks Breakout Hit ‘The Way’: Watch New Music Video
  4. MTV — Mac Miller + Ariana Grande Forever? Nope, She’s Just A ‘Homey’
  5. YouTube — My interview with Hot 97
  6. DailyMail — Ariana Grande stays incognito under huge visor as she makes a late night trip to Disneyland
  7. DailyMail — Ariana Grande joins a late night Pokemon Go Hunt
  8. Yahoo — Listen To Mac Miller Guest on Ariana Grande’s “Into You” remix
  9. Billboard — Ariana Grande Brings Out Mac Miller to Perform ‘The Way’
  10. TMZ — Ariana Grande Locks Lips with Another Rapper
  11. — Ariana confirms her break up with Mac Miller
  12. A Timeline of Ariana Grande & Mac Miller’s Relationship
  13. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/mac-miller-cause-of-death-fentanyl-cocaine-alcohol-751974/
  14. Instagram — Grande’s post of Mac Miller
  15. Ariana Grande Shares A Silent Tribute To Mac Miller
  16. Ariana Grande on Instagram
  17. Evidence revealed on Twitter that Ariana Grande and Mac Miller have an unreleased collaboration, and he added tha… | Instagram


Miller died at his home in Los Angeles. His body was transported to his hometown of Pittsburgh to be prepared for burial. In mid-September 2018, Miller’s family held a private funeral in the Jewish tradition in Pittsburgh.

The rapper was buried in Homewood Cemetery in Pittsburgh. Ironically, the cemetery was the site of one of his earlier music videos—Nike’s On My Feet, which was filmed in 2010. Miller said he used to hang out at the cemetery as a teen with his friends. 

In October 2018, a public tribute concert was held in his honor. Many of his friends and past collaborators performed. The concert was a charity fundraiser for the Mac Miller Circles Fund, which aims to fund youth and community art programs. The charity, which was later renamed the Mac Miller Legacy Fund, raised enough money to issue its first grants in May 2019. 

Some of the money went to the charity MusiCares, which started a program called the Mac Miller Legacy Fund; this program aims to provide support for musicians who struggle with addiction.

Несмотря на депрессию, он улыбнулся своим друзьям

После смерти Мака Миллера товарищ рэпер Кендрик Ламар опубликовал заявление через Complex’s Open Late и заявил: «Независимо от того, что он переживает, он не заставил вас жалеть его, вы знаете? Он был сильным. Всегда держал улыбку на лице, потому что хотел, чтобы ты тоже улыбалась.»

Аналогичное мнение выразила и влиятельная социальная медиа Карен Сивил. Гражданский сказал E! Новости о том, что, когда она была госпитализирована, Миллер посетил ее, держал ее и играл в крестики-нолики, чтобы составить ей компанию. Она продолжала описывать покойного рэпера как » кого-то, кто напомнил вам, что вас любят, и убедился, что вы это знаете. Она добавила: «Он заставлял твое сердце улыбаться каждый раз, когда он входил в комнату.»

Таким образом, несмотря на то, что он жил с изнурительной депрессией, Миллер никогда не колебался, чтобы пойти выше и дальше, чтобы сделать счастливыми тех, кто в его близком кругу.


Friends and family reacted to news of Miller’s death with shock and grief. Celebrities such as Missy Elliott, Chance the Rapper, and Wiz Khalifa took to social media to ; many of them had collaborated with Miller in the past. 

His former girlfriend Ariana Grande shared a post on Instagram expressing her grief at the news. 

“I adored you from the day I met you when I was nineteen and I always will,” the pop star wrote. “I can’t believe you aren’t here anymore. I really can’t wrap my head around it. We talked about this. So many times. I’m so mad, I’m so sad I don’t know what to do. You were my dearest friend. for so long. above anything else. I’m so sorry I couldn’t fix or take your pain away. I really wanted to. The kindest, sweetest soul with demons he never deserved. I hope you’re okay now. Rest.”

On September 11, 2018, fans flocked to Blue Slide Park in Miller’s native Pittsburgh. The site was a special place for the rapper, having inspired his debut album. The vigil was attended by thousands and is still considered a part of Miller’s legacy, with a public memorial in his honor. 


  • Mac was the son of Karen Meyers, a photographer, and Mark McCormick, an architect.
  • Ariana’s first collaboration with Mac was recorded in 2012 (before The Way was released in 2013).
  • Ariana’s last collaboration with Mac was recorded in spring 2018.
  • Ariana and Mac have a lot of unreleased songs they made together, some of them were meant for albums but most of them were just for fun. Miller once mentioned in an interview that Ariana and him have a whole album of unreleased songs.
  • He was Jewish-American on Karen’s side and Irish-American on Mark’s side.
  • Miller’s song from The Divine Feminine (2016), «Cinderella», is about Grande.
  • Mac Miller’s last performance was at The Hotel Café.
  • He is mentioned in «Thank U, Next», which is also partly about him, alongside three of Grande’s other exes.
  • Ariana adopted his dog Myron after his death.
  • The producer of Miller’s posthumous album, Circles, believes that Grande’s vocals are featured (uncredited) on the song «I Can See».
  • Ariana and Mac’s unreleased song «Talk To Me» leaked in July 2020. This song was scrapped from Mac’s album The Divine Feminine. Another one of those unleaked songs is «Sit It Upon It».
  • Mac and Ariana collaborated on seven songs, «Baby, It’s Cold Outside», «The Way», «Into You», «Congratulations», «My Favorite Part», «I Can See» and «Talk To Me».
  • Ariana wrote a song titled Remember about Mac after his passing which was supposed to be featured on the Thank U, Next album. However, the song was scrapped prior to the album’s release.
  • Ariana is believed to have nodded to Mac Miller’s song «Crickets» by including cricket chirps after the line «heaven sent you to me» in Positions (song)
  • Off the Table ft. The Weeknd is about Miller and describes Ariana’s personal feelings about him and love after his passing. Mac’s dog Myron sat at her feet while the song was written.


On September 7, 2018, Miller died from an accidental drug overdose at his San Fernando Valley home. The coroner’s report concluded that his cause of death was «mixed drug toxicity» of fentanyl, alcohol, and cocaine. His personal assistant found him face down in his Hollywood hills rental home. A day later, Grande broke her silence by sharing a photo of Miller on her Instagram with no caption. She later posted a video of Miller with the following caption:

«i adored you from the day i met you when i was nineteen and i always will. i can’t believe you aren’t here anymore. i really can’t wrap my head around it. we talked about this. so many times. i’m so mad, i’m so sad i don’t know what to do. you were my dearest friend. for so long. above anything else. i’m so sorry i couldn’t fix or take your pain away. i really wanted to. the kindest, sweetest soul with demons he never deserved. i hope you’re okay now. rest.»

Мак Миллер и Ариана Гранде: их роман

Роман Мака Миллера и Арианы Гранде начался в 2013 году, когда они сотрудничали над совместной песней «The Way». Их химия и талант заметили множество фанатов и коллег по музыкальной индустрии.

В полнометражном документальном фильме «Один инициал»: подростковое гения, который пришел в себя», Мак Миллер рассказал, что он влюбился в Гранде уже после их первой коллаборации. Он описывал ее как потрясающую певицу и очаровательную личность.

Однако их роман не был без проблем. В 2018 году они объявили о разрыве, указав «сложности в отношениях и дальнейшую дружбу». Некоторые источники утверждали, что перегруженный график и токсическая зависимость Мака Миллера от наркотиков были факторами, которые повлияли на их расставание.

К сожалению, позже в 2018 году Мак Миллер умер от передозировки наркотиками. Это была тяжелая потеря для Арианы Гранде, которая была на момент его смерти уже в отношениях с другим музыкантом Питом Дэвидсоном.

Несмотря на расставание и смерть Мака Миллера, Ариана Гранде продолжает помнить и вести его дальнейшую музыкальную карьеру в его честь. Она посвятила ему несколько песен и даже выпустила альбом «thank u, next», где она затронула свои отношения с Маком и другими бывшими партнерами.

Роман Мака Миллера и Арианы Гранде остается важной частью их истории и вдохновляет многих фанатов. Хотя он закончился трагически, их талант и любовь к музыке останутся навсегда в наших сердцах

Причина его смерти

Казалось очевидным, что рэпер умер от передозировки наркотиков после того, как первые ответные были вызваны в его долину Сан-Фернандо, штат Калифорния. домой на сентябрь. 7, 2018. Помощник Мака Миллера, как сообщается, нашел рэпера в» молитвенном положении», которое ТМЗ описал как » стоящий на коленях вперед с лицом, опирающимся на колени.»На его тумбочке была пустая бутылка алкоголя, а в его доме были найдены различные бутылки рецептурных таблеток, включая Ксанакс, оксикодон, гидрокодон и общий Аддералл. Но это не будет до ноября. 5, 2018-почти через два месяца после его смерти-что общественность узнает, что действительно забрало жизнь Миллера.

Офис коронера округа Лос-Анджелес опубликовал свои результаты токсикологии, которые позже были разделены TMZ, и следователи постановили, что «моя любимая часть» MC умер от «смешанной токсичности наркотиков.»Фентанил, кокаин и алкоголь, как сообщается, были перечислены в докладе.

Хотя количество наркотиков и алкоголя в его системах не обязательно было смертельной дозой, TMZ сообщила, что это была комбинация всех веществ, которые убили рэпера.

Relationship with Ariana[]


Ariana and Mac met in the second half of 2012 when she was 19. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Ariana said they were fans of each other’s music and talent before they met. They became good friends and recorded a cover of «Baby, It’s Cold Outside» in December 2012, which Ariana posted on her YouTube channel.

The following year in March, Ariana released her debut single titled «The Way». Mac was featured in the song and rapped one verse. In an interview, Ariana detailed that they baked cookies while they recorded the song. Ariana said she wanted Mac to be on the song as soon as she heard it. At the end of the music video for the song, Mac and Ariana kiss. This caused a lot of speculation about a romantic relationship between the two. Even more, rumors circulated when Ariana and her boyfriend Jai broke up briefly after the song was released. Ariana denied all of this saying that the kiss was directed and that she and Mac were just friends. In April 2013, Mac said of Ariana, «Well a very, very talented singer like she can sing incredibly. And that’s awesome and she’s a great person. She’s one of the nicest just people I’ve ever met in my life.» On September 2013, Ariana said in an interview with Hot 97 that Mac is one of her «best friends in the world, like in the whole world». Throughout 2013, Mac would appear sometimes during Ariana’s live performances for «The Way».

During the next two years, Ariana and Mac did not collaborate and were not seen out together very often. It is assumed they still kept in touch.


On July 15, 2016, (a few days after her breakup with Ricky Alvarez) Grande went to Disneyland with Miller and Victoria Monét. In the same week, they went out with some more friends to play Pokémon Go. In early August, a remix of «Into You» was released with an added verse by Mac Miller. Mac performed «The Way» with Grande again at the Hot 100 Music Festival on August 20.

On August 21, 2016, Grande and Miller were spotted kissing after going to a sushi restaurant. This was the first confirmation of a romantic relationship. Grande and Miller were seen walking out of a tattoo parlor together on August 26. Grande is featured on the third single off The Divine Feminine, «My Favorite Part». Grande also recorded an intro for the album on the first track, «Congratulations» featuring Bilal.

Miller and Grande at Coachella in 2017

Sometime in 2016, Grande filmed a music video for «Dang» by Mac Miller, but it was never released and only a short snippet of the two in the video was leaked. During a Q&A, Grande confessed that she recorded a new song with Mac Miller. On April 1, 2017, Mac Miller joined Grande onstage at Dangerous Woman Tour and they performed «The Way». Later in April, Grande and Miller went to Coachella together.

Miller offered to cancel the rest of his tour so that he could spend time with Grande after the Manchester attack and performed at her benefit concert One Love Manchester.

Break Up

On May 10, 2018, Grande confirmed that she and Miller had broken up, although they remained best friends. Grande responded to a fan that her relationship with Miller was «toxic», «hard» and «scary» on May 23, 2018.


The Los Angeles County Coroner performed an autopsy and put his official cause of death as mixed drug toxicity—an overdose due to a combination of cocaine, alcohol, and the deadly opioid fentanyl.

Nicolas Völcker, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The original ruling was that the overdose had been accidental. But further investigation would uncover disturbing details that indicated that, although Miller himself had no idea that the drugs were tainted with fentanyl, it wasn’t entirely an accident. 

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. It is officially estimated to be 50 times more potent than heroin, and a tiny amount can cause a fatal overdose. It can be particularly deadly when mixed with cocaine. 

Miller was, sadly, not the first high-profile figure to lose his life from tainted drugs. superstar Prince died in April 2016 from an accidental overdose of fentanyl, which had been disguised to resemble hydrocodone. A year later, singer Tom Petty died from mixed drug toxicity after an accidental overdose. 


Miller’s final album, Circles, was released posthumously in January 2020. Miller had been working on Circles at the same time as Swimming and had intended for them to be companion albums. The album was a massive success, hitting the Billboard charts at No. 4 and resulting in a top single, Good News. 

The album he had completed before his death, Swimming, was nominated posthumously for a Grammy Award for Best Rap Album; it lost the title to Cardi B’s album, Invasion of Privacy. 

Despite his short career, Miller is remembered as one of the most talented and promising young rappers of his time. His tragic death cut his career and his life short long before his time, a sad warning for others who also struggle with addictive tendencies, especially when it comes to opioids. 

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Мак Миллер и Ариана Гранде: что привело к расставанию и какие последствия оно имело?

Романтические отношения между Маком Миллером и Арианой Гранде были известны всем их поклонникам и глазам общественности. Они встречались с 2016 по 2018 год и успели стать одной из самых популярных пар в индустрии развлечений. Однако, как любая пара, у них были причины для расставания и последствия, которые оно имело.

Одной из главных причин расставания артистов стала сложность поддержания отношений на расстоянии. Оба заняты плотным графиком работы и постоянно находятся в разных городах. Это создавало необходимость в долгих разлуках и отсутствии времени для встреч. Бракоразводные тенденции, также знакомые как «Black Swan» в любовных отношениях, также сыграли свою роль в расставании Мака Миллера и Арианы Гранде.

Последствия расставания были ощутимы для обоих артистов. Для Мака Миллера он стал одним из ключевых факторов в его борьбе с наркотической зависимостью. После расставания он начал углубляться в употребление наркотиков, что привело к его трагической смерти от передозировки в 2018 году.

Для Арианы Гранде расставание с Маком Миллером также имело серьезные последствия на ее психическое и эмоциональное состояние. Она боролась с горем и потерей, и это отразилось на ее музыке. Ее альбом «Sweetener» и последующий «Thank U, Next» стали выражением ее личных переживаний и позволили ей обработать свои эмоции через музыку.

Mак Миллер и Ариана Гранде: причины расставания и последствия
Причины расставания:
— Сложность поддержания отношений на расстоянии
— Бракоразводные тенденции («Black Swan»)
Последствия расставания:
— Потеря Мака Миллера и его борьба с наркотической зависимостью, в итоге приведшая к его смерти
— Влияние на эмоциональное состояние Арианы Гранде и ее музыку

Past Struggles With Addiction

Miller had been open about his struggles with depression and drug addiction. He stated that he had begun using drugs as a teenager. In 2011, he was arrested for possession of marijuana in New York state. 

Miller said that his addiction peaked in 2014; at the time, he had started taking promethazine to try to manage his anxiety while on tour. He also regularly used lean. 

During his relationship with Ariana Grande, the pop star helped him remain sober for long stretches of time. Nevertheless, Grande constantly worried about him while she was on tour, and his relapses were a source of contention between them. In the fall of 2016, Miller succeeded in remaining sober for three months; he stated that, while sobriety was difficult for him, he appreciated how it helped him be more creative and work with more concentration.

Neither Grande nor Miller confirmed that his drug use was the cause of their breakup; however, sources around both artists confirmed that it was a significant source of stress. After his death, Miller’s mother confirmed that, while her son had always been open about his struggles to stay sober, he had never overdosed before as far as she was aware. 


Investigations into Miller’s death continued until September 2019, a year later. The main question was how Miller had accessed the pills that killed him and who knew what they really were. 

A year after the rapper’s death, three men were arrested: Cameron James Pettit, Ryan Reavis, and Stephen Walter. Miller had contacted Pettit, asking him to get him Percocet, cocaine, and Xanax. Instead, Pettit brought him counterfeit oxycodone pills that contained lethal amounts of fentanyl. He accessed these from Walter through Reavis. 

In 2022, Stephen Walter pled guilty to the charges of knowingly supplying fentanyl pills made to look like oxycodone, resulting in a death. Walter said he did not target Miller, but knew that the pills contained either fentanyl or another federally-controlled substance. Instead, he said that he thought Pettit wanted the pills for himself. 

Walter’s attornies negotiated a plea deal to get him 17 years, three years below the federal minimum of 20 years usually required for distribution of fentanyl. However, the opposing attornies said that Walter had continued to distribute fentanyl pills until he was arrested in 2019, a full year after Miller’s death. Walter himself denied that that was true.

Walter was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison. In April 2022, Ryan Reavis pled guilty to charges of distribution of fentanyl and was sentenced to nearly 11 years in prison. 

Pettit has consistently pled not guilty to the charges of distributing fentanyl; his trial remained pending as of April 2022. 

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