Britney spears’ house

Inside britney spears' house in thousand oaks, california

Текущий дом Бритни

На момент написания этой статьи Бритни Спирс живет на вилле в Таузенд-Оукс, штат Калифорния, на участке площадью 21 акр. Если вы не знаете, чтобы купить недвижимость в Калифорнии, вам придется раскошелиться на гораздо большую сумму, чем почти где-либо еще в Америке. Имея это в виду, тот факт, что Спирс живет в таком огромном поместье, впечатляет, даже если вы больше ничего не знаете о ее нынешнем доме.

Когда дело доходит до жилой площади Бритни Спирс, ее дом составляет примерно 12 000 квадратных футов, а его архитектурный дизайн был описан как неоклассический итальянский стиль. Говорят, что дом Спирс облицован мрамором сверху донизу, а внутри дома Спирс есть несколько каминов, колонны, высокие окна и комната с потолком высотой 35 футов.

Неудивительно, что большинство комнат в нынешнем доме Бритни Спирс огромны, включая ее впечатляющую библиотеку с деревянными панелями и умопомрачительную кухню. В дополнение к главной вилле, в собственности Спирс также есть бассейн, который находится рядом с павильоном с полностью оборудованной кухней и ванной комнатой. Когда Бритни решает проводить время дома, она может наслаждаться своим большим медиа-залом, своим теннисным кортом, своим полем для гольфа и своим винным погребом с регулируемой температурой на 3500 бутылок. Либо так, либо она может сидеть сложа руки и наслаждаться великолепным видом на горы Санта-Моники.

Britney Spears’ Home #2 (Previous House)

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There’s a lot to like about Britney Spears’ former home in Thousand Oacks, California  (she just sold it for $7 million in February 2017).

I think it’s safe to say she didn’t sell this house because she needs the money given she’s earning an insane $475,000 PER SHOW ($1,000 per show less than Celine Dion) in Las Vegas where she’s performing her very popular “Britney: Piece of Me” residency at Planet Hollywood. now estimates her net worth at $200 million. Despite challenges in the past, at least she hasn’t blown all her money. In fact, it appears she’s fairly savvy when it comes to monetizing her brand and her ability to perform. Not only does she earn a lot of money from performing, but like other A-list celebs, she banks millions attaching her name to merchandise.

While she spends quite a bit of time in Las Vegas performing, she still maintains a home in Southern California. This home is the one she recently sold, but she bought a much bigger home in 2015.

About this home

Britney purchased this home for $6.744 million in 2012, she sold it recently for $7 million. She didn’t make any money from the sale, but I don’t think that bothers her too much. The home sits on 1.5 acres and is 8,456 square feet which is big, but nothing like her new 13,200 square foot palace in Thousand Oaks (same neck of the woods).

While I agree the exterior design is one that you either like or don’t like (I like it in hot climates where it makes sense), I think you’ll agree the interior is really nice.

Here’s what I like about this home (it’s a long list):

  • Kitchen:  A tad ornate for me, but overall, a real beauty. I love that crisp white color scheme.
  • Living rooms: Notice I used plural. Okay, one is arguably a family room, but both “living rooms” are fabulous. They’re huge and comfortable. Both have tall ceilings with magnificent wood beams.
  • Offices:  Plural again, as in 2 nicely appointed home offices. It’s interesting how different they look. It’s definitely an effort to his and hers offices.
  • Patio and pool area:  The outdoor space is large; the patio goes on forever meandering around the pool with dazzling views of the mountains.
  • Media room:  I’m not a big media room guy, but the one in here, while too white, is a nice design. It’s cozy but offers plenty of comfortable seating.
  • Primary bedroom:  It’s large and nicely furnished. It has a contemporary design, which I like. In fact, most of the home has a nice contemporary design.

The only space I’m not wild about is the foyer. It’s too big and empty. I think that space could have been put to better use.

Enough of my opinion. Check out this estate below.

Image source: Trulia

Photo Gallery Home #2 (Previous Mansion)

Overall, what do you think? Too big? Too much of a Southern California cliche house (white with red Spanish tile roof)? Too ornate?

Interestingly, I’ve seen photos of her new house and I think I prefer this one more.

Image source: Trulia

Музыкальная мегазвезда

Когда люди говорят о самых популярных певицах в мире сегодня, обязательно всплывут такие имена, как Тейлор Свифт, Эд Ширан и Ариана Гранде. Хотя все эти люди невероятно успешны, можно утверждать, что никто из них никогда не был так популярен, как Бритни Спирс в разгар своей карьеры.

Превратившись в музыкальную мегазвезду, когда ее дебютный сингл «…Baby One More Time» покорил мир, долгое время казалось, что Спирс обладает прикосновением Мидаса. Способная продать более 100 миллионов пластинок по всему миру, Спирс была настолько любима в какой-то момент, что казалось, что вы не можете выйти в интернет или пройти мимо журнальной стойки, не увидев ее лица. Наиболее известная благодаря таким песням, как «My Prerogative», «Oops!… I Did It Again», «I’m a Slave 4 U», «Toxic» и «(You Drive Me) Crazy», среди прочих, музыкальное наследие Спирс было зацементировано давно.

Her marital home in Calabasas with ex Sam Asghari

Looking for a fresh start after finally escaping her father’s conservatorship and tying the knot with Sam Asghari, Britney bought another house in Calabasas — but this residence was as short-lived as her marriage to Asghari.

Spears and her husband, Sam Asghari, purchased the spread for $11.8 million in mid-2022.

Sitting on a 1.6-acre parcel, that house had 7 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, and all the bells and whistles of luxury you’d expect with a Calabasas mansion — including a gourmet kitchen, a home theater with leather reclining seats, a walk-in safe, a game room with a mahogany wet bar, a gift-wrapping room, and a pet wash basin.

The home, which Spears and Asghari purchased around the time they wed, is within proximity to Britney’s ex, Kevin Federline (who also lives in Calabasas) and that was likely the main reason behind the purchase — so Britney could be closer to her two sons, Preston and Jayden.

But the couple moved out of the home soon after moving in mainly because the house was too exposed, Mansion Global reports.

They sold the property a few months later, at a loss: a buyer took it off their hands in March 2023 for $10.1 million in cash, $1.7 million less than they paid for it 8 months prior.

And while we’re sorry to hear things didn’t work out for the couple — both when it comes to married life, and relocating to Calabasas — we’re happy knowing that Britney returned to the comfort of her Thousand Oaks home, especially as the sale was soon followed by news of her divorce from Sam Asghari.

Britney Spears’ house in California, a palatial mansion that sits on 21 acres

In case you’re wondering where Britney Speaks lives now, we thought we’d bring you up to speed.

Britney Spears lives in a Neoclassical Italianate-style mansion in the celebrity-heavy community of Thousand Oaks in California, which she bought back in 2015 for $7.4 million.

Britney Spears’ house in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Image credit: Luxury Architecture / Berlyn Photography

Key facts & numbers

  • Location: Thousand Oaks, CA, in the northwestern part of Greater Los Angeles
  • Bedrooms: 5
  • Bathrooms: 9
  • Square footage: 13,264
  • Year built: 2000
  • Lot size: 20.98 Acres
  • Amenities: a great room with an extra tall 35-foot ceiling, an elevator, a huge media/game room, lighted tennis court
  • Other structures: a detached pool house with a full kitchen and bath, and a 3,500-bottle temperature-controlled wine cellar
  • Purchase price: $7,400,000
  • Date of purchase: October 2015

The singer paid a whopping $7.4 million for the home, which proudly sits in a prime area of Thousand Oaks. Located between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara in Ventura County, Thousand Oaks is nestled against the Santa Monica Mountains and is recognized as one of the most desirable places to live, work, relax, and raise a family in all of California.

See also: Lady Gaga’s house in Malibu, which she calls her ‘Gypsy Palace’

Reminiscent of a beautiful Italian villa, the 13,264-square-foot home sits on 21 sprawling acres of private land and is hidden away by two private gates.

Needless to say, the pop star takes her privacy and security very seriously.

But the lucky few that do walk through the gates of her California home will feel like they’ve been transported to beautiful Italy. Bellissimo!

The estate has beautifully manicured lawns, a rear motor court with access to a six-car garage, flower gardens, an infinity pool, a stand-alone spa, and an orchard.

There’s also a lighted tennis court and a three-hole golf course on the estate’s grounds, giving the pop star tons of options for spending quality time outside.


If the exterior of the house seems grand, just wait until you see what’s inside.

The entrance has a marbled floor, massive pillars, and floor-to-ceiling windows that let in plenty of natural light.

Inside Britney Spears’ house in Thousand Oaks. Image credit: Berlyn Photography

Talking about ceilings, Britney’s house has 35-foot high ceilings that give the whole place a palatial feel. There’s also a large black marble fireplace where the star can cozy up for some peace and quiet.

Inside Britney Spears’ house in Thousand Oaks. Image credit: Berlyn Photography

A grand staircase leads to the second floor where there are five bedrooms and eight bathrooms. The master bedroom has an enviable closet perfect for a world-famous pop star.

Bedroom inside Britney Spears’ house in Thousand Oaks. Image credit: Berlyn Photography

What’s a celebrity home without a killer view, you ask?

Well, the views of the LA skyline and Santa Monica mountains from Britney’s home are spectacular, to say the least. Even the wood-paneled library overlooks the mountains making it the perfect reading nook.

Inside Britney Spears’ house in Thousand Oaks. Image credit: Berlyn Photography

Britney’s kitchen may not need any introduction.

Already famous thanks to the singer’s countless dancing videos filmed here, the massive open kitchen has moody, dark wooden cabinets and a large center island.

Inside Britney Spears’ house in Thousand Oaks. Image credit: Berlyn Photography

Britney Spears’ house also has a media and game room, and other upscale amenities like an elevator, a dramatic 2-story entry, a formal living room and dining room, and 4 family bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms.

And the list goes on once you step outside of the palatial abode.

Countless amenities allow the pop princess to enjoy the Californian sun, starting with the luxurious infinity pool, which sits in front of a 1,200-square-foot poolside pavilion that has its own full kitchen, 3,500-bottle wine cellar, and bath, so no one has to leave the pool party.

Britney’s pool house. Image credit: Berlyn Photography

Also on the grounds of the sprawling estate, we find a tennis court, a separate spa, and a three-green golf course with sand traps.

The pop icon’s legendary career – and the fortune she amassed along the way

Britney has sold over 100 million records worldwide, including over 70 million solely in the United States, making her one of the world’s best-selling music artists — which rightfully earned her the title of Princess of Pop.

Britney Spears performing in Las Vegas. Image credit: Rhys Adams via Flickr

And while her crown has often been challenged by contenders like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga or Ariana Grande, if there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s that Britney is as resilient as they come.

Despite the many ups and downs in her personal life and being the center of the media circus ever so often, she continues to be a timeless icon.

In fact, the singer/actress/entertainer now has a net worth estimated at $70 million, with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) listing Spears as the eighth best-selling female artist in the United States.

And Britney has invested some of her hard-earned money into prime real estate — including a jaw-dropping mansion that she now calls home.

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