История отношений кайли дженнер и трэвиса скотта

Kylie jenner slammed as 'awkward' as she twerks & grinds on baby daddy travis scott in resurfaced video from vacation | the sun


Kylie and Travis began dating in 2017, welcoming their first child together just ten months later.

Their 4-year-old daughter Stormi was born in February 2018.

Although the two split in 2019, they later rekindled their romance, confirming that they were officially back on in the summer of 2021.

Kylie, 24, announced the arrival of their baby boy on Sunday, February 6, 2022.

On a black and white photo of her holding a newborn’s hand, the mogul captioned the image: «2/2/22.»

The reality star finally revealed her newborn son’s name nine days after giving birth to her second child.

In a simple Instagram story, The Kylie Cosmetics founder shared a gray background with the name «Wolf Webster» spelled out.

“Lifestyle stress” and possible “trust issues”

Following the breakup, a source claiming to be close to Jenner told People that the couple “have some trust issues but their problems have stemmed more from the stress of their lifestyles”.

This comes after Scott temporarily deleted his Instagram account in March 2019, with TMZ reporting that he did it to “prove his devotion to Kylie Jenner after she found some messages.”

TMZ also wrote that the suspicious messages found in his Instagram DMs “didn’t amount to anything more than innocent flirting”, but that “he decided the best way to prove his commitment to Kylie and Stormi… was just to get rid of IG”.


The purported lifestyle stress could also be a reference to Scott’s intense touring schedule, with the rapper concluding his Astroworld—Wish You Were Here Tour in March 2019 after an intense five-month schedule.

The Photo Is From Their Playboy Shoot

Instagram | Sasha Samsonova

The steamy photo is from a Playboy magazine shoot Jenner and Scott did together in 2019. At the time, Jenner shared several photos from the shoot on her Instagram. She captioned them with, “Me by @travisscott for @playboy. See the full story on playboy.com. Photography by @sashasamsonova.”

The Playboy brand also shared several photos from the steamy shoot on their Instagram page, including one of Jenner hugging Scott in certain private places. They also added a quote from her cover interview in the caption, writing, “I never thought I would pose for Playboy.”

There were three photos that stood out to fans in particular. They were three super zoomed-in images of the couple, which they captioned individually with “Wild,” “In,” and “Love” The eight-page spread made headlines even before it was released.

Jenner and Scott rarely featured on each other’s Instagram accounts

Unlike her older sisters Kim Kardashian West and Khloé Kardashian, it took Jenner a long time to become comfortable with sharing her relationship online. Scott, meanwhile, almost never shared pictures of Jenner on his own Instagram account until early 2019, almost a year and a half into their relationship.

Even after the couple gave birth to Stormi, Jenner kept her Instagram account almost completely devoid of couple photos until the final months of their relationship. Jenner shared her very last Instagram photo with Scott on September 11, 2019, just under a month before they were speculated to have called it quits.


Of course, social media is rarely a reflection of real life, so while this may be an indicator they were growing apart, it could also be an attempt to keep their relationship out of the public eye.

Travis Scott Posted A Video Showing Kylie Jenner Naked

Jenner met Scott, whose real name is Jacques Bermon Webster II, in 2017, and they dated for a while before ending their relationship. By spring of 2021, the beauty mogul and rapper were back together. They also have two kids together, a girl named Stormi Webster and a boy whose name they are yet to reveal.

Scott was recently taking his fans on a trip down memory lane by posting a video of him appreciating Jenner. In the video he posted on his Instagram stories, fans can see a framed poster of Jenner wearing nothing except a cowboy hat and leaning into him as he stands beside her. 

Scott also placed a cowboy emoji in a very strategic place to hide certain parts of his girlfriend. He was also in the photo, wearing only a pair of jeans. Not long after posting the video, he deleted it from his stories.

Kourtney Kardashian Has Also Posted A Similar Video

Jenner isn’t the only Kardashian family member to be posted on Instagram in that fashion. The only difference is that in Kourtney’s situation, she posted the photos by herself. She recently posted several photos of her and her husband Travis Barker as they were quarantined for ten days, and one of these pictures was a fully naked selfie of her.

The post includes a series of pictures documenting the newly wedded couple’s time in isolation together. She captioned it with, “Ten days of quarantine …” According to the photos, the Barkers have spent their days watching shows like “Manifest” and “Mare of Easttown,” eating s’mores and other junk, and giving each other amateur haircuts. 

One particularly spicy photo showed Kourtney taking a mirror selfie of her and Travis as they lounged in the bathroom. In the photo, the Poosh founder is barely covered in an open robe while Barker stands behind her, fully dressed. The famous drummer even commented on the quarantine post, writing, “10 days with you.”


Despite expanding their brood, some fans wondered if the couple are a good match after seeing some questionable behavior from the rap star.

Previously, fans ripped the father of two for «disrespecting» his baby mama by «partying all night» after the Super Bowl, less than two weeks after she gave birth.

«This definitely says ‘I love and appreciate my brand new son and respect the woman who birthed him,'» one Reddit user wrote sarcastically.

«Yep, and according to the deep dive, this is what he did after Stormi was born too (partied with another woman),» a second recalled.

Another agreed: «Yep. I think he thinks bonding doesn’t matter,» while a fourth remarked: «Right! Like he’s also a new parent here, he should be home with his kid.»

Причины расставания Кайли Дженнер и Трэвиса: что произошло?

Расставание Кайли Дженнер и Трэвиса Скотта, пары, которую многие считали одной из самых стабильных и успешных в Голливуде, вызвало шок у их поклонников и фанатов. Причины их разрыва остались неизвестными на протяжении некоторого времени, но в результате множества слухов и спекуляций некоторые детали были раскрыты.

Первым различиями, которые привели к расставанию, были разные планы и желания в отношении будущего. Кайли, молодая и успешная предпринимательница, хотела сосредоточиться на развитии своего бизнеса и строительстве своей карьеры, в то время как Трэвис, музыкант и исполнитель, хотел большего времени, которое они могли бы провести вместе и со своей дочерью.

Кроме того, появились слухи о том, что пара начала испытывать трудности в отношениях после рождения их дочери Сторми

Уход за ребенком и совмещение его с работой и вниманием друг к другу стали вызывать напряжение и конфликты

Еще одной причиной, о которой говорили, были непримиримые разногласия во взглядах на жизнь и ценности. Пара, которая является символом успеха и богатства, стала осознавать, что они имеют разные цели и представления о счастье. Это привело к постепенному отдалению и конечно, разрушению их отношений.

Необходимо также отметить, что пара пыталась сохранить свое расставание в тайне и не комментировала слухи и спекуляции, вызывая еще больше интриги и интереса публики. Однако, хотя это расставание было неприятным событием для поклонников, их дочери Сторми всегда будет доступна взаимная поддержка родителей.

The couple also made very few public appearances together

Aside from attending the Met Gala together twice, in 2018 and 2019, and at the 2019 Grammy Awards in February 2019, Jenner and Scott’s joint red carpet appearances were few and far between.

Most recently, Jenner attended the L.A. premiere of Scott’s Netflix documentary, Travis Scott: Look Mom I Can Fly, on August 27, 2019.

Scott and Jenner with their daughter, Stormi Webster, at the premiere of Scott’s Netflix documentary in August 2019.

(Credit: Getty)

In a telling move, Jenner attended Justin and Hailey Bieber‘s wedding in South Carolina on her own, only a day before the rumoured split became headline news.


Кайли Дженнер и Трэвис Скотт – история отношений

История отношений между известным рэпером и моделью началась в 2017 году после расставания девушки с рэпером Tyga. Их отношения были внешне похожи на идеальные, они публично никогда не ссорились и уделяли друг другу время по максимуму. В 2018 году родилась их дочь, и даже пошли разговоры о скорой свадьбе, но до этого дело не дошло. В начале октября пара заявила о том, что они решили сделать паузу в отношениях.

При этом о полном расставании речи не идет, так как по словам обоих это сделать невозможно, ведь они вместе воспитывают общую дочь. Им надо сосредоточиться на том, чтобы девочка выросла счастливой, невзирая на то, что ее родители не хотят жить вместе. Оба души не чают в своей полуторагодовалой дочке, поэтому будут и дальше поддерживать адекватные дружественные отношения.

Слухи об измене Трэвиса Скотта

Во вторник появилось сообщение о разрыве отношений звездной пары, а уже к концу недели были готовы версии от журналистов и поклонников, почему это произошло. При этом в большей степени все утверждали и даже нашли доказательства того, что Трэвис изменял Кайли уже с самого начала их отношений с Роджаной Карр. Репера и инстаграмм-модель связывали отношения задолго до встречи с Кайли, поэтому такая версия могла быть недалека от правды. Вот только все три участника конфликта в один голос утверждают, что измены не было. 

Как основной аргумент они используют фотографии из одинаковых мест, которые одновременно появлялись и у Трэвиса и у Роджаны. Трэвис высказал свою обиду на слухи об измене, рассказав, что ему сложно читать то, что о нем пишут. Кайли заявила, что в основе их расставания лежит не измена, а нежелание ее партнера заводить следующих детей. Он мечтает посвятить себя карьере, музыке, кино. Поэтому говорить об измене бессмысленно. Плотные графики просто разрушили их семейную жизнь, с этим не поспоришь, надо двигаться дальше.

Нагрузка популярности и имя Кайли Дженнер

Однако с такой популярностью и успехом приходит и огромная нагрузка. На Кайли Дженнер лежит ответственность быть ролью моды и красоты для миллионов девушек и женщин. Ее каждое выступление на красной дорожке, каждый образ в социальных медиа должны быть идеальными, чтобы не подвергаться критике и раздражению публики.

Кроме того, имя Кайли Дженнер стало своеобразным магнитом для грязных сплетен и слухов

Она постоянно привлекает внимание журналистов и папарацци, которые стремятся разоблачить и комментировать каждое ее действие и слово. Она подвергается бесконечному осуждению и судейству, что неизбежно сказывается на ее эмоциональном и психологическом состоянии

В конечном счете, нагрузка популярности и имя Кайли Дженнер могут повлиять на ее личные отношения и решения. Быть известной личностью — это прекрасно, но часто она платит дорогую цену за свою славу.

Роджана отрицает слухи об измене Трэвиса Скотта

Свое мнение о слухах высказала и Роджана. Она рассказала, что отношений с Трэвисом у нее после расставания не было. Все, что публикуется в сети — досужие домыслы, с которыми надо бороться, иначе они станут почвой для еще большей неприязни.

Кайли Дженнер после слухов об измене заметили с рэпером Tyga, с которым она встречалась до Трэвиса, и  даже их смогли сфотографировать. Кайли  отреагировала на это спокойно, ответив, что пока отношения с Тревисом приостановлены она может встречаться с кем захочет. Это  касается и репера, он не должен ограничивать себя в отношениях, но и не забывать о дочери.

Им не удалось создать полноценную семью, несмотря на рождение ребенка. Отношения в паре казались идиллическими, но взгляды на семейную жизнь различались. По словам Дженнер не факт ,что они совсем распались, но им надо время, так как им следует обдумать взаимоотношения и все взвесить.

Jenner reportedly wanted more children

After giving birth to Stormi in February 2018, Jenner made no secret of her desire to have another baby with Scott. In an Instagram post for his birthday in April 2019, Jenner called Scott her “real life bestie and hubby all wrapped into one”, while also writing: “let’s f–k around and have another baby.”

Of course, this could’ve all just been a show of affection, but other sources reported that Jenner’s desire to extend her family with Scott was serious.

In May 2019, a source close to the beauty mogul told E! News that: “ would love to have another baby with Travis and would love to be pregnant by next year. She talks about it all the time and feels like she was truly meant to be a mother.”

Despite Jenner’s keenness to extend their family, Scott never discussed the thought of having more children—which may have been a point of difference between them.


Travis, 30, is also believed to be living separately from Kylie and their two children as the Goosebumps singer insists he wants to stay in his own home.

A source told The Sun: «Travis insists he needs his own place — saying to Kylie is has nothing to do with how he feels about her or the children, but that he can’t be a music star and a dad together. 

«When he’s with her and the kids, he’s 100% in daddy mode, but when he’s at his home, he’s working on his career.

«Travis splits his time between being away doing shows, and when he’s working in the studio he stays at his place then comes ‘home’ to Kylie and the kids for a few days.»

The insider added: «He insists that when he’s working, he needs to be in his own place doing his thing — he needs his own space. 

«She’s offered to redecorate or remodel to get him to move in but he doesn’t want that.»

Kylie lives in her $36 million Holmby Hills compound while Travis is residing in his $23.5 million mansion in Brentwood.


The couple are parents to 4-year-old daughter StormiCredit: Splash

They also recently welcomed their second child, a baby boy named WolfCredit: Instagram/Kyliejenner

The pair are believed to be living apart as Travis is said to be insistent on staying in his homeCredit: Getty Images — Getty

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out of there

A look back at the couple’s relationship

If the rumors are true, and the lyrics are aimed at Kylie, fans may be wondering where the relationship, that gave Kris Jenner two adorable grandkids, went so wrong. Let’s take a look back…

The pair began dating in 2017 after ‘hitting it off’ at Coachella, although neither can remember where the actually first met. Nonetheless, the whirlwind romance continued. Just a year later, Kylie surprisingly gave birth to her first child Stormi, when she was just 20 years old.

Throughout 2018, the couple became inseparable, with Travis integrating into the Kardashian family. The two appeared on red carpets and magazine covers together, but in October 2019, they called it quits.

But it wasn’t over yet, as it was reported they had gotten back together just five months later. Cut to February 2022, and Jenner had given birth to their second child, Wolf Webster, but shortly changed his name to Aire.

Despite what seemed like such a loving relationship, it was all over at the start of 2023, and going by Kylie and Timothee’s ‘relationship’ now, it looks like she and Travis are over for good.

NO WAY: Timothée Chalamet fans mock his age after he’s seen smoking next to Kylie Jenner

Travis Scott accused of ‘shading’ Kylie Jenner with Ozempic lyrics

In the new track, the Goosebumps singer can be heard rapping: “She doin’ Ozempic, tryna be different, tryna be a new woman. That s*** look iffy, need her thick, needed her to move somethin’. Like it prove somethin’, just don’t you remove nothin’.”

Although the youngest of the KarJenner siblings has never commented on whether she’s used the diabetes drug, commonly used for weight loss, rumors began to spread last year, after her change in size.

Fans started to notice a change in her figure when the 26-year-old accepted her Wall Street Journal Magazine Innovator Award late last year.

OMG: Timothee Chalamet being ‘spotted’ at The Kardashians Christmas party hints it’s ‘getting serious’

Scott’s new track got The Kardashians fans talking on Reddit, as one created a thread called: “Travis shading Kylie in a new song.”

“Not the Ozempic shade,” replied one, with and handful of crying emojis.

“He called her straight tf out. How would you even recover?! The Ozempic comment too, dayuuuum,” said another.

Others were appalled the rapper was allegedly making comments like that about the mother of his children, as one said: “Gross. That’s the mother of his children (if it is indeed about her), who will read/hear this one day. Not cool.”

“I wonder if he sees his kids while talking s*** about their mum, idk. It’s juicy gossip but something I think about,” another pondered.

Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images for WSJ. Magazine Innovators Awards

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: