Тимберлейк всё-таки подаст в суд на бритни из-за её скандальных мемуаров

Тимберлейк всё-таки подаст в суд на бритни из-за её скандальных мемуаров

Britney Never Intended To ‘Offend’ Anyone With ‘The Woman In Me’

In a message posted both to X and Instagram a few days before her memoir was released, the “Overprotected” singer said that she never meant to “offend” anyone with her book and was looking forward to a clean slate.

“My book’s purpose was not to offend anyone by any means !!! That was me then …that is in the past !!!” she began. “I don’t like the headlines I am reading …that’s exactly why I quit the business 4 years ago !!! Most of the book is from 20 years ago … I have moved on and it’s a beautiful clean slate from here !!!”

“I am here to establish it that way for the rest of my entire life !!!” she continued. “Either way, that is the last of it and s— happens !! This is actually a book didn’t know needed to be written … although some might be offended, it has given me closure on all things for a better future !!!”

“Hopefully I can enlighten people who feel particularly alone in most cases or hurt or misunderstood !!! Again, my motive for this book was not to harp on my past experiences which is what the press is doing and it’s dumb and silly !!!” she concluded. “I have moved on since then !! #TheWomaninMe.”

Britney Spears’ memoir “The Woman In Me” was officially released on Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

Britney Spears Deactivated Her Instagram Account Again!

Instagram | Britney Spears

Fans who woke up early on Saturday morning to see if the pop star had posted overnight were greeted with a message that read, “Sorry, this page isn’t available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram.”

One of the last Instagram posts from the singer was a video that featured her dancing in her living room. In the caption, she admitted that the video was from last April and indicated that she was going to be “holding back” from social media.

“I probably post too often so this month I’m holding back a touch and I’m gonna post some past and future posts !!!” Britney wrote in the caption. “This was in April … hope you guys are having a lovely week !!!”

Comments on this post, like all of her recent posts, were disabled. It could be that the “Oops!… I Did It Again” singer decided to deactivate her Instagram account to help her refrain from posting.

The Woman In Me by Britney Spears

Courtesy of Gallery Books

The Woman In Me by Britney Spears
On Sale 30% off

In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history.Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.

Все заявления Бритни о Джастине Тимберлейке

Первый поцелуй Бритни и Джастина произошел во время игры «Правда или действие» с их коллегами из «Нового Клуба Микки Мауса», вспоминает она в книге. Как только они начали встречаться, страстные отношения Бритни и Джастина ухудшились.

Артистка «Toxic» подтвердила, что слухи об измене, окружающие ее прошлый роман с участником группы NSYNC, были правдой — они оба якобы отказались от своих отношений. В одной части книги Бритни утверждала, что Джастин встречался с «еще одной знаменитостью», имя которой не было упомянуто, потому что у нее «теперь есть семья», и Бритни не хотела ее «позорить».

Поп-принцесса также призналась, что изменяла своему бывшему парню с танцором и хореографом Уэйдом Робсоном. Однако она и Джастин якобы «согласились забыть» измену.

Однако измена была не единственной проблемой Бритни и Джастина. По словам певицы Everytime, она забеременела во время знакомства с Джастином и сделала аборт, потому что он «не был рад беременности».

«Он сказал, что мы не готовы к рождению ребенка, что мы слишком молоды», — написала Бритни. «Это было сюрпризом, но для меня это не было трагедией. Я так любил Джастина. Я всегда ожидал, что однажды у нас будет семья. Это произойдет намного раньше, чем я ожидал.

Сообщается, что после процедуры Бритни плакала, а Джастин пытался успокоить ее, включив музыку.

Что касается того, кто разорвал их бурные отношения, которые длились с 1999 по 2002 год, Бритни рассказала, насколько «опустошена» она была, когда Джастин расстался с ней, посредством сообщения.

«Я была в коме в Луизиане, а он радостно бегал по Голливуду», — написала она. Однако для многих поклонников Бритни это не было новостью. В 2022 году режиссер музыкальных клипов Крис Эпплбаум задумался о том, как он побудил Бритни снять клип на «Overprotected (Darkchild Remix)».

«Я сказал ей, что она должна уйти покажите Джастину, что он совершил самую большую ошибку в своей жизни», — написал тогда Крис в Instagram, добавив: «Позвольте мне порекомендовать всем, кто это читает: не расставайтесь по СМС!»

Джастин публично не ответил ни на одно из утверждений Бритни в ее мемуарах.

Britney Spears’ Diane Sawyer interview

Now free from her conservatorship, Britney has also taken aim at those she claims exploited her over the years. In a since-deleted Instagram post from December 2021, the “Gimme More” singer criticized her dad Jamie and the manager who facilitated the now-infamous interview with Diane Sawyer—along with Sawyer herself. “Do we dare forget the Diane Sawyer interview in my apartment almost 20 years ago?” Britney wrote.  

“What was with the ‘You’re in the wrong’ approach?? Geeze… and making me cry???” Britney went on to blast the veteran journalist for asking questions about her shopping habits, sex life and more. “Seriously though… I lived in my apartment for a year and never spoke to anyone… my manager put that woman in my home and made me talk to her on national television and she asked if I had a shopping problem!!! when did I have a shopping problem?” She continued: “I should spend a thousand dollars if I want every day of my life and she can kiss my white ass.”

Britney, who was 22 at the time, was asked invasive questions about her “big breakup” from Justin. “You broke his heart. You did something that caused him so much pain, so much suffering. What did you do?” Diane asked during the interview. All these years later, Britney reveals she was still “in shock” about her split from Justin and had not spoken “to anyone for a very long time” after their breakup in 2002.

“Something I never shared when I had that breakup years ago was that I couldn’t talk afterward,” she wrote on Instagram, adding, “I was in shock… pretty lame of my dad and three men to show up at my door when I could hardly speak… two days later they put Diane Sawyer in my living room… they forced me to talk!”

Britney’s dad, however, claimed that he was “completely uninvolved” in the planning of Britney’s Diane Sawyer interview. “Mr. Spears has no idea what Ms. Spears is talking about,” Jamie’s lawyer, Alex Weingarten, said in a statement to PEOPLE on December 13, 2021. “Jamie never set up any interview with Diane Sawyer and was not present for any such interview. He had nothing to do with Britney’s career at this point and was completely uninvolved in this interview. Jamie loves Britney very much, wishes Britney nothing but the best and hopes that she continues to seek the help that she needs to stay safe and healthy.”

The Woman In Me by Britney Spears

Courtesy of Gallery Books

The Woman In Me by Britney Spears
On Sale 30% off

In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history.Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.

Как опекунство Бритни «инфантилизировало» ее

Обладательница множества наград поп-звезда вспоминала, как чувствовала себя «роботом», когда в 2008 году ее поместили под опеку.

«Но не просто робот — своего рода ребенок-робот», — написала Бритни. «Я был настолько инфантилен, что терял частички того, что позволяло мне чувствовать себя самим собой. Опека лишила меня женственности, превратила в ребенка. На сцене я стал скорее сущностью, чем человеком. Я всегда чувствовал музыку в своих костях и в своей крови; они украли это у меня».

Позже Бритни размышляла о том, как «прошло тринадцать лет с ощущение себя тенью ».

«Теперь я вспоминаю своего отца и его соратники так долго контролировали мое тело и мои деньги, и меня от этого тошнит», — отметила она.

Пьем «Тодди» с мамой Линн Спирс

В то время как она прямо углубилась в «контроль» отца над ней, Бритни также рассказала о своей матери, Линн Спирс. В одной из глав мемуаров Бритни утверждает, что Линн давала ей алкоголь, когда она была еще подростком.

«Ради развлечения, начиная с восьмого класса, мы с мамой совершали двухчасовую поездку из Кентвуда в Билокси, штат Миссисипи, и пока мы были там, мы пили дайкири», — объяснила Бритни. «Мы называли наши коктейли «тодди». Мне нравилось, что я мог время от времени выпивать с мамой. То, как мы пили, было совсем не похоже на то, как это делал мой отец. Когда он пил, он впадал в еще большую депрессию и замыкался. Мы стали счастливее, живее и предприимчивее».

Ее «ужасающее» выступление змеи на VMA 2001 года

После того как в 15 лет Бритни подписала контракт с Jive Records, она начала музыкальную карьеру. Вспоминая свое рекордное выступление на церемонии MTV Video Music Awards 2001 года, она призналась, что боялась большой змеи, которую ей приходилось носить с собой на сцене.

«План заключался в том, чтобы я пел «I’m a Slave 4 U», и мы решили, что я буду использовать змею в качестве реквизита. Это стал знаковым моментом в истории VMA, но он оказался еще более ужасающим, чем казалось», — призналась она. «Все, что я знал, это смотреть вниз, потому что я чувствовал, что если я посмотрю вверх и поймаю его взгляд, это убьет меня».

Она продолжила: «В своей голове я говорила: «Просто выступай, просто используй ноги и выступай». Но чего никто не знает, так это того, что пока я пел, змея поднесла голову прямо к моему лицу, прямо ко мне, и начала шипеть. Я думал: «Ты сейчас чертовски серьезно?» Язык чертовой змеи высовывает меня. Верно. Сейчас.’ Наконец, я дошел до той части, где вернул его, слава Богу».

Justin Timberlake Reportedly Considering Legal Action Against Britney Spears


On Friday, a source said that the “Mirrors” crooner initially planned to “ride” out the backlash but was “miserable” with all of the negative attention that he has been receiving for events that took place over twenty years ago. “His original plan was to ride this out,” an insider told the National Enquirer. “But it’s consuming his entire life and making his family miserable.”

“There’s all this hate being hurled at him and Jessica and various high-profile types are unfollowing him, including Madonna — and to cap it off, Britney is threatening to come after him again in a second book,” the source continued, referring to how Madonna unfollowed JT on Instagram.

“He’s furious and looking at legal options,” the insider added. “He’s fully prepared to take Britney to court and make her pay.”

Britney Opened Up On Allegations Of Infidelity and An Unplanned Pregnancy In Her Memoir


The “Toxic” singer reflected on allegations of infidelity and even an unplanned pregnancy in the former couple’s relationship, which took place from 1999 to 2002.

“It was a surprise, but for me, it wasn’t a tragedy. I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I’d anticipated,” Britney wrote of the unplanned pregnancy. “But Justin definitely wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young.”

“I don’t know if that was the right decision. If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it. And yet Justin was so sure that he didn’t want to be a father,” she continued, adding, “To this day, it’s one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life.”

The news hit fans harder than expected, prompting the “Cry Me A River” singer to disable comments on his Instagram page. After fans started going after his wife, actress Jessica Biel, the Hollywood stars took their two children on a family trip to Cabo to escape the attention caused by Britney’s memoir.

Justin Timberlake responds to Britney Spears’ Woman in Me

Justin Timberlake hasn’t issued an official response to Britney Spears’ Woman in Me book but sources said that he’s keeping his distance. “Justin will always be supportive of Britney and all of her endeavors, but he’s trying to distance himself from her upcoming book,” a source told Us Weekly. “It’s not something he’s focusing too much on in terms of anything she might discuss when it comes to their former relationship.”

Sources told Entertainment Tonight that Justin’s main focus is his family. “Justin has been focusing on his own family and trying not to concern himself with Britney’s memoir,” the source says. “In recent years, Justin has tried to be supportive of Britney from a distance. They dated so long ago, but he still has respect for her. Justin and Jessica just want everyone to grow and evolve instead of continuing to bring up the past.”

By far the biggest revelation in The Woman in Me, Britney revealed that she was pregnant with his baby during the relationship, but they decided to get an abortion. “I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I’d anticipated,” she wrote. “But Justin definitely wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young.”

The pop icon admitted that she “agreed not to have the baby” but seemed to have some regrets about the decision they made more than 20 years ago. “I don’t know if that was the right decision. If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it,” she revealed. “And yet Justin was so sure that he didn’t want to be a father.”

On the topic of Justin, Britney also revealed how they shared their first kiss. Alongside Justin, Britney joined The All-New Mickey Mouse Club when she was 11 years old in 1992. She described it as “honestly a kid’s dream — unbelievably fun, particularly for a kid like me. But it was also exceptionally hard work: we would run choreography thirty times in a day, trying to get every step perfect.” She shared a dressing room with Christina Aguilera and looked up to the older cast members like Keri Russell, Ryan Gosling, and Ryan Lucca.

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