Ellen degeneres: what exactly is happening with the ellen degeneres show?

Was ellen degeneres and many other hollywood celebrities covertly put on house arrest to detox from adrenochrome & confess crimes to humanity in 2020? | gf4justice

Чез Боно этого не заслужил

Принимая во внимание вышеупомянутую похвалу работы Кейтлин Дженнер с защитой прав трансгендеров, нельзя отрицать, насколько неудобно было сделать дегенератов, когда Дженнифер Лоуренс взломала шутку Чез Боно. Чез, для тех, кто почему-то не знает, является трансгендерным сыном Шера и покойного Сонни Боно

Во всяком случае, известная нефильтрованная актриса сказала, что она в шутку называет свою кошку «Чаз Боно» из-за ее «мужской энергии». Затем она дала бессвязное объяснение того, как она автоматически думает, что все кошки — женщины, и как «просто странно для кошки» действовать как мальчик-что бы это ни значило.

Очевидно, DeGeneres был подготовлен для всего сегмента кошки, как NewNowNext отметил, что она была готова пойти с слайд-шоу очаровательны маленькая кошечка. Но то, как она абсолютно не реагировала на шутку Chaz Bono и перешла прямо к некоторым очень конкретным фактам кошки, которые, казалось, взорвали разум Лоуренса, возможно, указывали на то, что там произошло какое-то непреднамеренное импровизация.

2 Ellen Degeneres Embarrassed Many Of Her Guests For Views

via instar

If you haven’t seen a pattern already, Ellen doesn’t mind putting her guests on the spot to bring in viewers. In addition to her interviews with Mariah Carey and Dakota Johnson, she’s embarrassed plenty of other celebrities on her show.

For example, in 2007, Ellen made waves for questioning Celine Dion on why her son’s hair is long. The “My Heart Will Go On Singer” pushed back by asking Ellen what the problem is and if it’s her business.

More recently, in 2015, she showed nude photos of Justin Bieber (with sensitive areas blurred) on her show and proceeded to question the singer on what he was doing and who he was with. There are plenty other examples of the talk show host being inappropriate with guests.

Тимберлейка песни плохой смеситель для текилы


Джастин Тимберлейк-один из любимых гостей Дедженереса, поэтому он сделал особенно достойный попкорн момент, когда он оскорбил ее за то, что она не знала тексты одной из его песен. Рассказывая историю о том, как Дедженерес послал ему текилу, вдохновленную пением его Джема, «не могу остановить чувство», Тимберлейк показал, что она неоднократно пела линию «просто электрическая, просто электрическая, просто электрическая.»

«Это довольно ясно говорит: «только представьте себе», — сказал Тимберлейк, чтобы исправить явно смущенного хозяина. Затем дедженерес умолял аудиторию подтвердить ошибку, на что Тимберлейк ответил: «я не думаю, что кто-то поднял руку.»

Конечно, все это было весело, но ДИДЖЕЙСКИЙ ди-джей Дедженереса скрутил нож, придавая песне именно этот момент и удваивая разоблачение глупости своего босса. Урок здесь? Если выпивка-ваш партнер по караоке, возможно, не отправляйте видео своего дуэта оригинальному артисту записи.

Ellen Responds

While DeGeneres has remained completely silent regarding all of the allegations that have come her way, she finally did speak out to her staff in a note that leaked to The Hollywood Reporter yesterday. 

Here is the text of that letter:

“Hey everybody — it’s Ellen. On day one of our show, I told everyone in our first meeting that The Ellen DeGeneres Show would be a place of happiness — no one would ever raise their voice, and everyone would be treated with respect. Obviously, something changed, and I am disappointed to learn that this has not been the case. And for that, I am sorry. Anyone who knows me knows it’s the opposite of what I believe and what I hoped for our show.

I could not have the success I’ve had without all of your contributions. My name is on the show and everything we do and I take responsibility for that. Alongside Warner Bros, we immediately began an internal investigation and we are taking steps, together, to correct the issues. As we’ve grown exponentially, I’ve not been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs as they knew I’d want them done. Clearly some didn’t. That will now change and I’m committed to ensuring this does not happen again.

I’m also learning that people who work with me and for me are speaking on my behalf and misrepresenting who I am and that has to stop. As someone who was judged and nearly lost everything for just being who I am, I truly understand and have deep compassion for those being looked at differently, or treated unfairly, not equal, or — worse — disregarded. To think that any one of you felt that way is awful to me.

It’s been way too long, but we’re finally having conversations about fairness and justice. We all have to be more mindful about the way our words and actions affect others, and I’m glad the issues at our show were brought to my attention. I promise to do my part in continuing to push myself and everyone around me to learn and grow. It’s important to me and to Warner Bros. that everyone who has something to say can speak up and feels safe doing so.

I am so proud of the work we do and the fun and joy we all help put out in the world. I want everyone at home to love our show and I want everyone who makes it to love working on it. Again, I’m so sorry to anyone who didn’t have that experience. If not for COVID, I’d have done this in person, and I can’t wait to be back on our stage and see you all then.

Stay safe and healthy.



Ellen’s departure marks the end of an era

In a statement obtained by TIME, Warner Bros.’ Unscripted TV President Mike Darnell described The Ellen Show as an “indelible piece of the television landscape” that will be “sorely missed.”

“Although all good things must come to an end, you still have hope that the truly great things never will,” he said. “The Ellen Show started as the little program that could and became an absolute phenomenon. Over the years, it established itself as the premiere destination for both superstars and incredible heartfelt human interest stories. The show and Ellen brought comedy, joy, happiness, comfort (and dancing!) to countless millions every day for 18 years.”

Degeneres is set to sit down with Oprah Winfrey to discuss her departure on the May 13 episode of Ellen. The show has yet to announce a date for its Season 19 premiere.

With DeGeneres vacating her prime daytime spot, Kelly Clarkson, host of The Kelly Clarkson Show, could be poised to replace DeGeneres in the 3 p.m. time slot, according to some sources. The Kelly Clarkson Show currently airs after Ellen in most syndication markets.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show did not immediately respond to TIME’s request for comment.

6 Degeneres’s Staff Was Exposed To Racism & Sexual Harassment


Ellen wasn’t only cold and distant to her staff. She’s been accused of allowing a toxic environment to develop under her leadership. In July 2020, 1 current and 10 former employees on her show said they faced racism and intimidation tactics while working for her.

Shortly after, a second reported released that included statements from 36 ex-employees, who said they were subjected to sexual misconduct, assault, and harassment committed by top producers on Ellen’s show. This prompted Warner Bros. to launch an investigation into the show. 3 executives were let go before the show was axed.

8 Ellen Is Apparently Fake & Two-Faced


According to various accusations, it appears that Ellen is two-faced. She as known for her friendly, wholesome vibe on her talk show, but apparently, she treated employees and guests horribly when the cameras weren’t rolling.

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here Australia contestants Katherine Lang and Richard Reid both accused the host of acting different in real-life. Katherine explained, “She’s great to watch on her show and everything, but I think her personality is completely different when you get her behind the scenes.” They both agreed Ellen is “bossy” and difficult to have a conversation with.

Other reports suggest that employees faced racism and discrimination on ‘Ellen.’

A report published in July by BuzzFeed suggests that employees at Ellen faced a wide array of discrimination ranging from micro-aggressions to jokes at the expense of minority employees of the show. One incident involved a joke that suggested that two Black employees with similar hairstyles were easily confused for one another. Ed Glavin, one of the show’s producers, also received criticism for statements he made to another employee. 

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“We are truly heartbroken and sorry to learn that even one person in our production family has had a negative experience. It’s not who we are and not who we strive to be, and not the mission Ellen has set for us,” Ed said in a joint statement with other producers. 

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“For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen show is completely on us,” the statement continued. “We take all of this very seriously and we realize, as many in the world are learning, that we need to do better, are committed to do better, and we will do better.”

What did Ellen DeGeneres say about the allegations on her show?

When the talk show host returned to usher in season 18 of her show in September 2020, DeGeneres addressed the allegations and claims in her opening monologue.

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‘As you may have heard this summer there were allegations of a toxic workplace on our show and then there was an investigation, I learned that things happened here that never should have happened,’ she said.

‘I take that very seriously and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who are affected. I know that I am in a position of privilege and power and I know that with that comes responsibility and I take responsibility for what happens at my show.’

The host pledged that she and her team have had many conversations, made ‘necessary changes’ and were committed to starting a ‘new chapter’ and also addressed some of the more personal allegations levied at herself. However, the monologue — which included some jokes and humour — didn’t go down well with everyone.

Is The Ellen Show Over!?

According to a breaking news report from The Daily Mail, DeGeneres reportedly has had enough and is “ready to call it quits” in regards to her show.

A source The Daily Mail spoke to at Telepictures revealed that DeGeneres wants to “walk away from the show.”

Their insider specifically stated that “She feels she can’t go on and the only way to recover her personal brand from this is to shut down the show. The truth is she knew what was going on, it’s her show. The buck stops with her. She can blame every executive under the sun – but Ellen is ultimately the one to blame.”

“Inside Telepictures we’ve had enough of her,” their source continued dishing. “She is a phony who does not practice what she preaches.” 

They went on to note that “The behavior of her show executives has been appalling, but is no better. In fact, she is the worst. It’s outrageous that she is trying to pretend that this is all a shock to her. The fish rots from the head, and Ellen is the head.”

TheDaily Mail‘s insider went on to reveal that DeGeneres “hates coming to work.” They also stated DeGeneres “struggles to be nice to people and has utter contempt for her audience.” 

“She has been phoning it in for so long,” their source added, “and only staying for the money and celebrity it affords her. We’ve dealt with her BS for so many years, she’s not innocent at all, she’s not nice and the show is not filled with happiness.”

They still had more to say, explaining that “At this point, there’s really no way to save the show from this PR nightmare, so Ellen leaving may be the only way for this entire mess to go away.”

“While it is our most profitable show in daytime,” they elaborated, “we no longer make the money we used to make from the show, as we have to pay her tens of millions of dollars per year to show up.”

“We thought our problems were with the cast upheaval at The Real,”The Daily Mail‘s source also noted. “We had no idea that Ellen would implode during quarantine.”

Does ‘Ellen’ have a toxic work culture?

The news that Ellen would be investigated comes after a number of reports that employees on the series were facing harsh treatment. In April, Variety investigated how some of the show’s long-time employees were being treated amid the coronavirus pandemic, and discovered that employees had not been told what plans for the show would be during lockdown and that they would be receiving pay cuts.

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All of this came as the show hired non-union employees to mount a version of the show from the host’s home in Los Angeles. Although they were told that they would be receiving a pay cut, the show’s employees were restored to their full salaries before the Variety article was published. As it turns out, though, miscommunication was not the worst problem the employees faced. 

Why Ellen is ending her talk show

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published on Wednesday, host Ellen DeGeneres said her choice to exit the show was years in the making. However, the announcement comes in the wake of a tumultuous year for the long-running talk show. Ratings have plummeted after allegations surfaced accusing DeGeneres and others of creating a toxic work environment on set.

DeGeneres told THR that the show no longer challenges her creatively and said she came to the decision ahead of signing a three-season contract extension in 2018. She began hosting the talk show in 2003 following the cancelation of her second sitcom, The Ellen Show, in 2002. Her first sitcom, Ellen, ran on ABC from 1994-98.

“I was going to stop after Season 16. That was going to be my last season and they wanted to sign for four more years and I said I’d sign for maybe one,” DeGeneres said. “So, we on three more years and I knew that would be my last. That’s been the plan all along.”

«Битва геев»

Как и в случае с Джастином Тимберлейком, оскорбления, нанесенные Дегенератам звездой Will & Grace Шоном Хейсом, были в хорошем духе. И все же, было трудно не иметь поговорку «есть правда в шутку» в виду, наблюдая словесные стрелки летать.

В разговоре Дедженерес окрестили «битвой геев», она и Хейс, по какой-то причине, решают один-вверх друг с другом с острыми колючками о карьере другого. Он разыгрался так: Хейс сначала стащил у дегенератов неспособность плавно переходить от вопроса к вопросу. Дедженерес counterpunched, упомянув оригинальных отмены Уилл и Грейс. Хейс открыл ответный огонь: «я думаю, это было дольше, чем ваш ситком», в который Дедженерес пошел на убийство: «Да, это верно. Я должен был прийти первым, чтобы вы все сделали ситком.»Цель включена. Цель уничтожена.

Двое из них, конечно, посмеялись после всего обмена, а Хейс уступил: «это смешно, потому что это правда!»Знаешь, что еще правда? Не приходите за Дегенератами на ее родное поле, потому что у нее нет правила милосердия.

Ellen’s Twitter Terror

On March 20th, just as the coronavirus pandemic was ramping up, Kevin T. Porter (a comedian/writer/podcast producer) tweeted out the following: “Right now we all need a little kindness. You know, like Ellen DeGeneres always talks about!”

While this seemed nice, Porter went on to add “She’s also notoriously one of the meanest people alive. Respond to this with the most insane stories you’ve heard about Ellen being mean & I’ll match every one w/ $2 to @LAFoodBank.”

While no one knew just how much this tweet would explode, Porter’s tweet- to date- has 70,200 likes, 17,900 re-tweets, and 2,700 responses. 

While anyone can say anything they want on Twitter- and the stories can’t necessarily all be verified- it definitely started to make people question what exactly was going on. Surely, 2700 people couldn’t all have made up stories and there had to be some semblance of truth in the midst of all these narratives. It’s imperative to note these stories included not only bad experiences of fans (such as DeGeneres complaining about a waitress having chipped nail polish and almost getting her fired from her job), but they also featured experiences people had while filming. One of the most notorious accusations was that an autistic custodian who worked for DeGeneres was fired simply for greeting her. 

7 She Treats Employees Like ‘Peasants’ & Has Bizarre Rules

Via Instar 

While The Ellen DeGeneres Show was often fun to watch, working on the set sounded like a different story. The host reportedly treated her staffers horribly and had bizarre rules for them to follow. «When the cameras aren’t rolling, treats staffers as if they are her peasants,” one source claimed to Radar Online.

Posting to Twitter, television writer Benjamin Siemon claimed, “ has a ‘sensitive nose’, so everyone must chew gum from a bowl outside her office before talking to her, and if she thinks you smell you have to go home and shower.» Ellen’s other strict rules for staff include not talking to her when they’re backstage.

3 She Tried Shaming Dakota Johnson After Ditching Her B-Day


There are other examples of Ellen making her talk show guests uncomfortable or embarrassed, including an incident with 50 Shades of Gray actress Dakota Johnson.

During a 2019 appearance, Ellen put Dakota on the spot when she asked why she didn’t get an invitation to the actress’ 30th birthday party. Dakota looked visibly uncomfortable, before revealing that she did invite Ellen – who just didn’t show up.

“Actually no. That’s not the truth, Ellen. You were invited,» Dakota said. «Last time I was on the show last year, you gave me a bunch of sh*t about not inviting you, but I didn’t even know you wanted to be invited. I didn’t even know you liked me!”

How has Ellen DeGeneres responded to the accusations?

The official line from the three executive producers to Buzzfeed was that they were ‘heartbroken and sorry’ to learn about the allegations of a toxic workplace and defended DeGeneres from the accusations, saying ‘For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen show is completely on us.’

The star said she has always aimed for her show to be a ‘place of happiness’, but that ‘obviously something has changed’ in the 17 years since she made that vow on the show’s first episode.

Steve Granitz//Getty ImagesWith Portia at the 2020 Golden Globes

‘As we’ve grown exponentially, I’ve not been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs as they knew I’d want them done. Clearly some didn’t. That will now change and I’m committed to ensuring this does not happen again,’ the host wrote.

Sine the reports, Warner Bros has began an internal investigation into the allegations and working culture.

Allegations of staff mistreatment

Allegations of behind-the-scenes bullying and harassment on the show were highly publicized in a July 2020 BuzzFeed News article detailing claims of a hostile workplace culture from one current and 10 former Ellen employees.

DeGeneres told the THR that her desire to move on had nothing to do with the controversy. While she said the allegations “almost impacted” the show, they aren’t the cause of her departure.

“ very hurtful to me,” she said. “But if I was quitting the show because of that, I wouldn’t have come back this season. So, it’s not why I’m stopping but it was hard because I was sitting at home, it was summer, and I see a story that people have to chew gum before they talk to me and I’m like, ‘Okay, this is hilarious.’ Then I see another story of some other ridiculous thing and then it just didn’t stop.”

“I learned that things happened here that never should have happened. I take that very seriously. And I want to say, I am so sorry to the people who were affected,” she said on-air in the Season 18 opener. “I know that I’m in a position of privilege and power. I realize that with that comes responsibility and I take responsibility for what happens at my show.”

While the episode garnered the highest ratings for an Ellen premiere in four years, according to Nielsen data reported by the New York Times, it was followed by the loss of more than a million viewers over the next six months.

“When it started, with that stupid ‘someone couldn’t look me in the eye’ or whatever the first thing was, it’s like a crest of a wave,” DeGeneres told THR. “Like, ‘This isn’t going to be that big of a wave.’ And then it just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it was out of control. And I really, honestly, felt like, ‘I don’t deserve this. I don’t need this. I know who I am. I’m a good person.’”

Венди Уильямс: Тень Мастер

Венди Уильямс имеет естественное профессиональное соперничество с Дегенератами, так как она сама по себе королева ток-шоу. Конечно, они не конкурируют в одном и том же временном интервале, но сравнение с двумя шоу неизбежно, как этот из пословицы в 2015 году, которая заявила: «г-жа Уильямс теперь ежедневно торгуется с Эллен Дедженерес как № 1 женщина-хозяин.»Возможно, именно поэтому было несколько немного неудобных моментов между первыми дамами разговора в двух разных сегментах на Эллен.

Во-первых, в интервью 2013 года Дедженерес едва скрывал свое презрение к не столь тонкому оттенку, который Уильямс бросил на Ким Кардашян и Канье Уэст, которые в то время ожидали своего первого ребенка. Несколько мгновений спустя Уильямс подключил свою рекламу PETA, признав веганство дегенератов, прежде чем необъяснимо спросить: «Как вы живете без бекона? Дедженерес ответил: «Ну, потому что я думаю, что свиньи очень умные животные.»Неловко!

Три года спустя Уильямс вернулся и сыграл » Heads Up!, «игра, где гости делают DeGeneres угадать имя знаменитости только они могут видеть на экране. В качестве подсказки для Джастина Бибера Уильямс сказал: «некоторые люди говорят, что он похож на вас.»Дедженерес рассмеялся и сказал:» я не возражаю, он восхитителен.»Но на самом деле, Давай, Уильямс.

What did celebrity guests and friends of Ellen said about the reports?

Since the reports, many have aired their views on the high-profile reports including those close to DeGeneres.

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On August 3, the host’s wife Portia de Rossi broke her silence taking to Instagram to thank fans for their support.

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Katy Perry, Kevin Hart, Diane Keaton, Ashton Kutcher and polo player Nacho Figueras have also voiced support for their friend, with Perry saying: ‘I think we all have witnessed the light and continual fight for equality that she has brought to the world through her platform for decades.’

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However, others have offered some criticism.

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The show’s former DJ Tony Okungbowa took to Twitter this week to say he was grateful for the opportunities afforded to him, but claimed he too had witnessed ‘toxic culture’, supporting his former colleagues including those that have spoken out.

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Brad Garrett, an American actor best known for his role in the sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, also waded in to the row following reports, claiming that this type of behaviour ‘comes from the top’. ‘Know more than one who were treated horribly by her.⁩ Common knowledge,’ he alleged, which suggests that there are some who feel Ellen herself is to blame.

This article was updated in May 2021 to reflect the news of The Ellen DeGeneres Show ending.

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Update 18/8/20: The Ellen Show Parts Ways With Three Producers

Three of the show’s top producers, Ed Glavin, Kevin Leman and Jonathan Norman, have left the show amid a Warner Bros investigation, according to Variety.

DeGeneres reportedly hosted a virtual Zoom meeting with the show’s staff members this week where she announced the show’s changes (including promoting the show’s DJ Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss to executive producer) and emotionally apologised again for ‘letting the ball drop’ behind the scenes.

Gary Gershoff//Getty ImagesDJ tWitch dancing with Hillary Clinton and Ellen in 2015

‘I feel like I’ve kind of let the ball drop a bit because I’m focused on the show, I go in and I do the show, and I’ve just let everybody to do their jobs – to run different departments. And it just became a well-oiled machine, and I think that is the problem. It’s not a machine. This is people. These are human beings that are working hard every single day to put this together. This show would not be what it is without all of you,’ the host allegedly told staff according to The Hollywood Reporter.

DeGeneres also commented on the ‘crazy’ allegations that she was distant and unapproachable on set, explaining she was an introvert who liked her own space, the publisher said.

The internal investigation’s initial results also allegedly found no evidence of systemic racism but committed to increasing diversity and representation across the show.

5 Ellen Degeneres Body-Shamed An 11-Year-Old Boy

via: @ellendegeneres Instagram

Body-shaming is never okay, especially when the person being criticized is only a child. However, Ellen apparently had no problem making fun of a young boy’s body in her pre-fame past. Speaking to Daily Mail, Ben Gravolet claimed that a 20-year-old Ellen would routinely poke fun at his looks when she was working at his mother’s recruitment agency.

«I would dread going to office to see her after school or on a day if I was sick and Ellen was there,” he explained. “She would criticize my weight. I would try to do homework in the office, she’d call me stupid, she’d call me fat. She would criticize my clothes.”

Как шутки с мячом могут пойти так неправильно

В сегменте кулинарии now-classic 2017, который стал вирусным по всем неправильным причинам, знаменитый шеф-повар Джада де Лаурентис решил начать все с сексуальной инсинуации о рисовых шариках, а затем быстро повернулся к очевидному отсутствию кулинарных навыков оскорбительных дегенератов. «Теперь это похоже на собачью еду», — сказала она Дегенератам о своей попытке прокатки артишока аранчини. Де Лаурентис также прицелился в гостью Николь Кидман, которая участвовала в сегменте, когда она удивлялась способности актрисы формировать мяч. «Женщина, которая не умеет готовить, сделала идеальный бал!»Де Лаурентис воскликнул.

Оттуда все неуклонно скользило, весело вниз по склону, когда Делаурентис удвоился на тени дегенератов — » шары Эллен разваливаются … это просто беспорядок моей работы.- пока, наконец, Дедженерес и Кидман не нанесли ответный удар. После укуса де Лаурентиса Клементина и фенхеля фокачча хлеб, дегенераты ограбили для камеры, пытаясь жевать его. «Это немного тяжело», — вскочил Кидман, в конце концов плюнув в ее руку свой собственный кусочек, по-видимому, черствого хлеба.

Де Лаурентис вернулся к Эллен в следующем году, чтобы выкупить себя, только чтобы начать сегмент, сделав DeGeneres напиток и сказав: «я подумал, что если мы напоим вас достаточно, Вы не будете знать разницы.»Да. По-видимому, фирменное блюдо де Лаурентиса-ее нога, подаваемая прямо в ее рот.

Какой Рассел?

Это, вероятно, самая причина, по которой знаменитость оскорбила Эллен Дедженерес на ее шоу, потому что это было любезно предоставлено Кэти Перри, когда Дедженерес забыл о своем браке с Расселом брендом. Да, вы правильно прочитали, Дедженерес совсем забыла о том, что самые известные звезды поп-музыки в мире женился на секс-наркоман парня забыть Сару Маршалл. Даже Перри не мог поверить, когда Дедженерес спросил ее: «вы были ?»

«Его звали Рассел Брэнд», — прошептал Перри, прежде чем имитировать ножницы руками, а затем кричал: «помните, вы подарили мне Свадебные подарки на этом шоу? Затем она неловко повторила слово» круто » пять раз, недоверчиво оглядываясь вокруг. Дегенераты, теперь свекольно-красные, сказали: «это будет вырезано.»

Мы не уверены, что он вышел в эфир, но, чтобы Выродиться, она опубликовала его на канале YouTube шоу, чтобы жить в интернете.

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1 What Did Ellen Degeneres Say About COVID?

via instar

The whole world was in quarantine for most of 2020, but some people’s accommodations were better than others. So, after comparing having to quarantine as “like being in jail” that April, Ellen came under fire on social media. Fans accused the host of being out-of-touch and offensive, given the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since leaving her talk show, Ellen has been keeping busy with a short form comedy series about her time in retirement, which she uploaded to her YouTube channel. Ellen has had a lot of eyebrow-raising moments in her career, but do you think she deserves to be officially canceled?



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A “Toxic Work Culture”

Also this month, a report from Buzzfeed came out detailing that the work culture at the show is “toxic.”

One former employee noted to Buzzfeed that “That ‘be kind’ bullsh*t only happens when the cameras are on. It’s all for show. I know they give money to people and help them out, but it’s for show.”

Aside from the one former employee, Buzzfeed spoke to 9 other former employees, as well as one current employee. Their allegations included the following:

  • Being fired after taking a medical leave 
  • Being fired after taking bereavement days to attend a family funeral 
  • Racial comments being made, leading one employee to “walk off the job”
  • Being told not to speak to DeGeneres if they saw her 

While the Buzzfeed report does note that the allegations the former employees made seems to point the blame in the direction of executive producers and senior management, they did note that since DeGeneres has her name backing the show she is not immune to taking responsibility for what’s happening there.

Buzzfeed did obtain a statement from Ed Glavin, Mary Connelly, and Andy Lassner (who are executive producers on DeGeneres’s show) that read the following: 

“Over the course of nearly two decades, 3,000 episodes, and employing over 1000 staff members, we have strived to create an open, safe, and inclusive work environment. We are truly heartbroken and sorry to learn that even one person in our production family has had a negative experience. It’s not who we are and not who we strive to be, and not the mission Ellen has set for us.

For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen show is completely on us. We take all of this very seriously and we realize, as many in the world are learning, that we need to do better, are committed to do better, and we will do better.”

After this report, Warner Bros did end up beginning an investigation into the ongoings of the work culture at The Ellen DeGeneres show. 

In a statement to Buzzfeed they said “It was important to both Warner Bros. and Ellen that as many people as possible attached to the program could be heard. The Ellen DeGeneres Show is, and has always strived to be, a place that brings positivity to the world. And though not all of the allegations were corroborated, we are disappointed that the primary findings of the investigation indicated some deficiencies related to the show’s day-to-day management. We have identified several staffing changes, along with appropriate measures to address the issues that have been raised, and are taking the first steps to implement them.”

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